Monthly Archives: September 2021

George Will’s collected journalism

Paul Tuns Review: American Happiness and Discontents: The Unruly Torrent 2008-2020 by George F. Will (Hachette, $40, 505 pages)  More than any person I do not know, the columnist George F. Will influenced me: he shaped my conservatism and sparked my interest in a career in writing. I look forward to each of his twice weekly columns but even more so his [...]

2021-09-30T09:53:13-04:00September 30, 2021|Book Review|

O’Toole’s gambit

Andrew Lawton: I didn’t coin this bit of wisdom, but it bears repeating: when voters are given the choice between a Liberal and a Liberal-adjacent, they’ll go for the real deal. Such is the most apt way of summing up 2021’s controversial election, which gave the Liberals another mandate with nearly an identical power breakdown in the House of Commons to what they [...]

2021-09-30T09:34:26-04:00September 30, 2021|Andrew Lawton|

Fewer pro-lifers in new Parliament

Paul Tuns, Analysis: After a five-week campaign and $610 million election, the makeup of Parliament returns appearing to resemble the previous one, except in one important respect: there are about a dozen fewer pro-life MPs. When The Interim went to press, the Liberals were elected or leading in 158 seats, up one compared to 2019, while the Conservatives were elected or leading [...]

2021-09-28T12:53:44-04:00September 28, 2021|Paul Tuns|

How to fix politics

Rick McGinnis Interim writer, Rick McGinnis, Amusements Nobody asked for it, but Canadians are voting today in a federal election that only the prime minister wanted. In that spirit I’ve decided to publish a modest list of improvements to our elections, and the whole system of government that seems to intrude ever more closely into our lives these days – [...]

2021-09-20T13:55:56-04:00September 20, 2021|Rick McGinnis|

And then there was this, September 2021

COVID harassment of churches continue Alberta Health Services asked the Court of Queen’s Bench that pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother, Dawid, serve a 21-day jail sentence for “openly” flaunting COVID rules when they held worship services at their Adullam Church in Calgary. Alberta Health Services (AHS) argued the pair ignored provincial health orders that limited indoor gatherings. The Pawlowskis were arrested [...]

2021-09-17T12:19:32-04:00September 17, 2021|And then there was this...|

No child spared from abortion

Joanna Alphonso: As if it were not enough for adults to be bombarded with pro-abortion slogans such as “my body, my choice,” or “abortion is empowering,” and even “abortion is a human right!” now children can be propagandized, too.  According to a Rewire News Group article, author Carly Manes came up with the idea for a childrens’ book, What’s an Abortion Anyway?, [...]

2021-09-17T12:05:33-04:00September 17, 2021|Abortion|

Bill Davis, RIP

Paul Tuns: On August 8, former Ontario premier William (Bill) Davis passed away at the age of 92. David never lost an election, being first elected as MPP when he was 29 years old in the riding of Peel, northwest of Toronto, in 1959. Although he won by a mere 1,203 votes, he turned his Brampton riding into a safe Progressive Conservative [...]

2021-09-17T10:56:21-04:00September 17, 2021|Issues|

Saskatchewan university ends placements at pregnancy centre

Paul Tuns: The University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine announced that the pro-life Saskatoon Pregnancy Options Centre (SPOC) “will not be included as a placement site option going forward,” after pro-abortion students complained that the Centre discouraged abortion. Initially, the University’s medical school resisted the campaign by Gender Engagement in Medicine to make the Pregnancy Center verboten for medical students seeking work [...]

2021-09-17T10:57:27-04:00September 17, 2021|Paul Tuns, Pro-Life|

Nunavut sends women to Toronto, Ottawa for late-term abortions

Interim Staff: Patricia Maloney, who writes about pro-life issues at the Run with Life blog, has reported that Nunavut territory sends women elsewhere for second trimester abortions. The discovery was made when she asked the territorial ministry of health in June 2020 about it not tracking abortions through doctor billing, yet the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reports abortion numbers. The [...]

2021-09-17T10:59:03-04:00September 16, 2021|Abortion|

Ontario mandates anti-sex trafficking protocols

Sarah Gangl: The Ministry of Education announced a new policy on July 6 mandating the implementation of anti-sex trafficking protocols in school boards across Ontario. The Keeping Students Safe Policy is the first of its kind in Canada, by which every school board will adopt a framework with core components to protect students and equip school communities in the fight against sex [...]

2021-09-17T10:58:43-04:00September 15, 2021|Society & Culture|

Even more charity and clarity for the laity

Josie Luetke Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey I’ll begin as Pope Francis did: I am a sinner. I write the following, not from my high horse, but as a Christian desperately needing leadership. The Pride flag already takes a symbol of God’s promise and perverts it into a celebration of the deadly sins of pride and lust. The flying [...]

2021-09-15T13:39:01-04:00September 15, 2021|Josie Luetke|

Excerpts, September 2021

“A judicious celebration” James Bradley Thayer Law and Liberty (July 1) Way back when I was at law school in Canada and the Charter’s adoption was being debated, we voters were promised it would overwhelmingly just confirm rights that already existed; it would not be transformative. And of course there is no other possible way to try to sell an instrument that [...]

2021-09-14T12:45:17-04:00September 14, 2021|Excerpts|

The cancel culture pandemic

Sarah Gangl Amid the chaotic COVID-19 pandemic, it has been easy to lose sight of a societal pandemic that attacks our morals, rights, and freedoms as pro-life individuals. This pandemic is none other than the cancel culture, which involves shaming and punishing those whose comments, ideas, or beliefs are contrary to the mainstream narrative and considered offensive. Social media platforms and news [...]

2021-09-14T12:37:12-04:00September 14, 2021|Pro-Life|

Will a flag unite the pro-life movement?

Maeve Roche The French sociologist Émile Durkheim said flags are emblems of social solidarity with transcendent qualities to represent the unifying values of a collective group of individuals. In March of this year, the Pro-Life Flag Project prompted pro-life organizations across the United States to share their opinions on the potential creation and distribution of a unifying, pro-life flag. On May 24, [...]

2021-09-13T10:39:42-04:00September 13, 2021|Pro-Life|

Manitoba Premier Pallister announces he won’t seek re-election

Paul Tuns Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister announced on August 9 that he would not lead the Progressive Conservatives in the next provincial election. Pallister, a former federal MP, was acclaimed leader in 2012. In 2016, the Pallister-led PCs won 40 of 57 provincial seats. In 2019, returning to the polls early, the PCs were re-elected with 36 seats. But following supposedly insensitive [...]

2021-09-13T10:29:18-04:00September 13, 2021|Election, Paul Tuns|
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