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So far Shania has created 53 blog entries.

University of Manitoba expels med student over pro-life comments

Michael Haynes Special to The Interim A Christian medical student in Manitoba has been expelled from university for expressing anti-abortion views on Facebook. Rafael Zaki is a Coptic Christian, who left Egypt along with his parents, in order to be able to practise their religion freely. His parents are both successful in medical careers, The Post Millennial (TPM) reports, and as Zaki [...]

2020-12-26T13:57:33-05:00December 26, 2020|Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

Ontario government proposes changes to marriage law

By Interim Staff The Doug Ford government said it will amend Bill 213, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, which amends 29 laws. It passed first reading in early October, but the Progressive Conservative government agreed to add wording that would have required individuals who officiate weddings to abide a provincial Code of Practice,” after independent MPP Belinda Karahalios (Cambridge) sent [...]

2020-12-26T13:48:14-05:00December 26, 2020|Marriage and Family|

Pope Francis sows confusion with comments about civil unions

By Paul Tuns In late October, the news media was in a frenzy that the Catholic Church had apparently changed its doctrine on same-sex sexual relationships after the producer of a new documentary on Pope Francis released clips of his forthcoming film. Evgeny Afineevsky, screenwriter for Francisco, a documentary about Pope Francis, in a segment from his documentary suggested that the Pope [...]

2020-12-26T13:23:44-05:00December 26, 2020|Marriage and Family, Religion|

Poland court throws out abortion exemption

By Interim Staff On Oct. 22, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal declared a law that permitted abortion for preborn children diagnosed with “fetal defect or incurable illness” to be unconstitutional. Nearly all abortions committed in the predominantly Catholic eastern European country are carried out for such reasons (1074 or 1100 legal abortions in 2019). The tribunal’s president, Julia Przylebska, wrote in the decision that [...]

2020-12-26T13:16:48-05:00December 26, 2020|Pro-Life|

And then there was this – Dec 2020

Canada CTV News reported that Nancy Russell, a 90-year-old nursing home resident in British Columbia, was killed by euthanasia because she did not want to go through another COVID-19 lockdown. It was the second known Canadian case this year. Russell was not chronically ill nor dying. CTV’s medical correspondent Avis Favaro reported that during lockdowns, long-term care residents “eat in their rooms, [...]

2020-12-26T13:08:53-05:00December 26, 2020|And then there was this...|

Catholic trustee faces continued attacks over LGBQT views

By Paul Tuns Last November, Toronto Catholic District School Board trustee Michael Del Grande offered a reductio ad absurdum motion to amend the board’s code of conduct to include sexual proclivities such as bestiality and vampirism, in response to the province’s pressure to add sexual orientation, gender identity, and family status to the list of protected classes in the board’s code of [...]

2020-12-26T12:59:46-05:00December 26, 2020|Marriage and Family, Religious Education|

Mary Stopes changes name

By Paul Tuns London-based abortion giant Marie Stopes International changed its name last month to MSI Reproductive Choice in an attempt to distance itself from the eugenic views of its namesake. The organization now goes by MSI Reproductive Choices. Stopes campaigned for the legalization of birth control in England in the early 1900s and, like many progressives of her era, supported eugenics, [...]

2020-12-26T12:49:12-05:00December 26, 2020|Abortion|

CLC Saskatchewan sees opportunity following provincial election

By Interim Staff The right-of-center Saskatchewan Party won re-election, garnering nearly 61 per cent of the vote and 48 of 61 seats in the provincial legislative assembly, comfortably returning Scott Moe as Premier and soundly defeating the pro-abortion NDP, which won the other 13 seats. While life and family issues were not highlighted by the leaders or platforms, Louis Roth of Campaign [...]

2020-12-26T12:40:34-05:00December 26, 2020|Politics|

NDP win majority, CHP improve in BC election

By Interim Staff The NDP called an early election in an attempt to win a majority, and on Oct. 24 won 57 of 87 seats in the B.C. legislature on the strength of nearly 66 per cent of the vote. The Liberals won 28 seats and the Greens two. In 2017, the Liberals won two more seats than the NDP and briefly [...]

2020-12-26T12:32:32-05:00December 26, 2020|Politics|

All inclusive

Interim writer, Joe Campbell, Light is Right By Joe Campbell When she called by, he was watching the news on one of the local channels. “That thin, raspy voice makes me shiver,” she said. “I can turn up the thermostat,” he replied. “I’d rather you turned off the TV. Whenever I hear that woman read the news, I cringe. She [...]

2020-12-21T19:42:03-05:00December 21, 2020|Joe Campbell|

Never-ending war on a virus

Interim writer, John Carpay, Law Matters By John Carpay Prime Minister Trudeau and other politicians have threatened to kill Christmas. While they cannot undo the birth of Jesus, they certainly do possess political power to violate our Charter freedoms to move, travel, assemble, associate, and worship at Christmas time. By use of coercive state power, politicians can prevent family visits, [...]

2020-12-21T08:32:10-05:00December 20, 2020|John Carpay|

All knees and elbows

Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey By Josie Luetke René Descartes’ infamous adage “I think, therefore I am” at first strikes one as a basic philosophical tenet, its danger generally unnoticed, including by my younger, immature self. Consider, though, how it associates ‘I’ solely with one’s mind and not body, and casts everything but one’s subjective viewpoint into doubt. On [...]

2020-12-16T20:35:13-05:00December 16, 2020|Josie Luetke|

Canada should join the Geneva Consensus Declaration

Matthew Wojciechowski Commentary On Oct. 22, the United States, along with 32 other nations, signed the Geneva Consensus Declaration, a historic joint agreement reaffirming that every human being has the inherent right to life and that the natural family, the fundamental unit of society, must be protected. This is a significant development at the international level. It’s also the same message Campaign [...]

2020-12-15T14:59:08-05:00December 15, 2020|Abortion|

The right and censorship

Interim writer, Andrew Lawton, Laying Down the Lawton By Andrew Lawton This column started out as a friendly Twitter exchange with my editor. I felt it important to shift it to this space for two reasons: Firstly, he said it “would make a good column,” which seems like useful advice to heed from the man who signs my paycheque; secondly, [...]

2020-12-16T20:19:29-05:00December 14, 2020|Andrew Lawton|

Christmas: God’s way

The Christian scriptures abound in “hard sayings,” statements which are difficult to interpret—or difficult to implement. Who, for example, finds it easy to enact the exhortations of Sermon on the Mount to “love one’s enemies” or “turn the other cheek” (Lk 6:27–28)? One of the hardest sayings in Scripture, however, is not about our actions but about God’s. In the book of [...]

2020-12-15T12:48:01-05:00December 12, 2020|Religion|
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