Michael Coren

Moral issues and The Future of Catholicism

In my new book The Future of Catholicism (Signal Books/Random House) I devote the longest chapter to the issue of same-sex marriage, and other chapters to abortion, euthanasia, and contraception. But, some critics have argued, why spend so much time on these issues when the book is about the future of the Catholic Church? Simple. Because this is precisely the future of [...]

2013-12-27T11:26:22-05:00December 27, 2013|Book Review, Michael Coren, Religion|

Stop the obsession

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Put simply, we have to stop obsessing about what the Pope may or may not have said about Catholics obsessing. That Papal interview now seems so long ago, but in truth it was recent, and the ripples of its landing are still being felt both inside and outside of the Church. Everybody became an expert [...]

2013-11-22T10:18:05-05:00November 22, 2013|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Be careful with whom we ally

Michael Coren Journalist for Life If we’re honest with ourselves, we will admit that allies are difficult to find. The pro-life movement is still overwhelmingly composed of serious Catholics, socially aware evangelicals, and a handful of Christians from other denominations or secular people who have grasped the fact the beginning and thus sanctity of life is a scientific and moral [...]

2013-10-22T14:11:15-04:00October 22, 2013|Michael Coren|

Defending truth and love And John Baird

Michael Coren Journalist for Life Well, there was quite the, as my old mum used to say, “to do” in early August over REAL Women, the gay lobby, Africa, Russia, and John Baird. A “to do,” by the way, is a fuss, an event, a controversy – often over very little indeed. In this case, tried and tested friends of [...]

2013-09-10T17:43:14-04:00September 10, 2013|Michael Coren, Real Women|

Promoting perversity

Michael Coren Journalist for Life In early July the Toronto police arrested a man named Benjamin Levin, who most of us had never heard of. That was all about to change. The 61-year-old Levin was charged with seven counts of child exploitation, including charges of possessing and accessing child pornography, and was released into his brother’s custody on $100,000 bail. He [...]

2013-08-07T09:59:25-04:00August 7, 2013|Michael Coren, Politics|

No tears

Michael Coren Journalist for Life It’s been a while now since Morgentaler died. He was 90-years-old, and it’s always shocked me that some of the more evil people in our world live such long lives. He claimed to have been in a death camp during the Holocaust, but certainly since that time enjoyed a life composed mostly of wealth, comfort, [...]

2013-07-13T06:53:03-04:00July 13, 2013|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Will the Sun always shine?

Michael Coren Journalist for Life By the time you read this column, we may know whether or not the television network Sun News, where I host a nightly show, has been awarded a must-carry license by the CRTC. It’s the license enjoyed by every other major TV outfit in Canada, and many minor and irrelevant ones. It’s really a matter [...]

2013-06-24T11:38:44-04:00June 24, 2013|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The most special time of year

Michael Coren Journalist for Life I do so enjoy it. Every March 23 it comes round, and it always makes me feel so excited, so special, so spiritual. We have four children, but they’re grown now. I miss the old days, when they would be unable to sleep as soon as March came around, asking when it was coming, and [...]

2013-05-22T08:58:01-04:00May 22, 2013|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Prosecution and persecution

Michael Coren Journalist for Life I am a hated man. If you read the comments section at the bottom of my columns and broadcasts, look at what is said on Twitter and Facebook, or could see some of the letters and e-mails written to me personally, you would appreciate the depth and width and anger and malice of the threats, [...]

2013-04-17T16:08:39-04:00April 17, 2013|Columnist, Michael Coren|

We lose with Wynne

Kathleen Wynne - openly gay Premier of Ontario In case nobody has noticed, Ontario has a new premier. The most significant province in Canada found itself with a new leader, and more than 99 per cent of Ontarians hadn’t voted for her; they couldn’t because they weren’t given a chance. Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty resigned, and a couple thousand Liberal [...]

2013-03-25T15:04:32-04:00March 25, 2013|Announcements, Columnist, Features, Michael Coren, Politics|

Where are the tears for the victims of abortion?

Journalist for Life It happens on a horribly regular basis. A child is abducted and killed, and often assaulted first. The media transforms the story into headline news, the community activates, the police do all that they can, but the tragedy still occurs and cuts like a razor into the flesh of our being. Such events will occur again and [...]

2013-02-15T19:32:20-05:00February 22, 2013|Announcements, Columnist, Features, Michael Coren|

Christmas and the ultimate gift

Journalist for Life Michael Coren There is so much discussion about the attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. The expunging of the word and the spirit is regrettable of course. I wonder, however, if we’re missing the point. One doesn’t have to be a Christian to be a supporter of life, but it’s impossible to doubt that most in [...]

2013-01-23T09:38:42-05:00January 23, 2013|Michael Coren|

All in the dysfunctional family

Michael Coren Journalist for Life An episode of All in the Dysfunctional Family, as it were. Let me tell you a story. A woman journalist whom I know, a gay woman, has been living with her partner for some time now. Some years ago they wanted a child, a baby. So the brother of one of the women had sexual [...]

2012-12-18T08:24:44-05:00December 18, 2012|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren|

Christmas and the ultimate gift

There is so much discussion about the attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. The expunging of the word and the spirit is regrettable of course. I wonder, however, if we’re missing the point. One doesn’t have to be a Christian to be a supporter of life, but it’s impossible to doubt that most in the pro-life community are indeed Christian, and [...]

2012-12-17T11:29:32-05:00December 17, 2012|Michael Coren, Soconvivium|

The chosen elite vs. the masses

Journalist for Life Michael Coren Beware the chattering classes, the self-appointed intellectuals who insist on telling us what to do and how to behave, especially if they are on the left and confidently teach the world about life, sexuality and morality. Consider, for example, George Bernard Shaw, after whom we have named a theatre festival. He lied about what he [...]

2012-11-20T10:51:53-05:00November 20, 2012|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren, Society & Culture|
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