Movie Review

Crucial elements glossed over in Narnia film

On the way home from the theatre, after seeing The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, I was troubled with doubts. I had heard from various sources, just as I had about the Greatest-Christian-Movie-of-All-Time-that-Will-Change-Your-Whole-Life-and-Convert-the-Heathen-Liberals-and-Probably-Cure-Cancer (aka, The Passion of the Christ), that Narnia was going to be the answer to our wildest evangelistic dreams. The mainstream media’s anti-Christian fortification had finally been breached [...]

2010-08-16T08:42:07-04:00January 16, 2006|Movie Review, Religion|

Kinsey: Hollywood perpetuates a fraud

Among the latest Hollywood film offerings is Kinsey - a sanitized, celebratory biography of sexologist Alfred Kinsey, starring Liam Neeson in the title role. This film is another attempt to whitewash the career of this "research scientist," who in actual fact, was a notorious sexual deviant skewing research data to promote a perverse agenda. While Hollywood celebrates Kinsey's life, Dr Judith Reisman, [...]

2010-08-27T07:56:13-04:00February 27, 2005|Movie Review, Profiles|

Media conglomerate offends again

The Bell Globemedia conglomerate took another kick at pro-life, pro-family Canadians recently with the airing of a made-for-TV movie lionizing Canada's most notorious abortionist, Henry Morgentaler. Broadcast by its CTV television component on Jan. 5, Choice purported to recount the "tumultuous life story" of Morgentaler, who was credited with leading the "movement that ultimately changed abortion laws in Canada." The always-megalomaniacal Morgentaler, [...]

2010-08-27T07:44:42-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Morgentaler, Movie Review|

Kids and The Passion

My Darling Patrick: As you know, before your dad and I allow you to watch any movie that is rated higher than a PG, we sit and talk alone or with you about the content, appropriateness, etc. of the movie. There are many times when we decide that a movie is not appropriate based on the violence, sexual content or profanity. There [...]

2010-08-06T07:54:04-04:00April 6, 2004|Movie Review, Religion|

Film brings us closer to Christ’s suffering

By Gail Reid Special to The InterimEvery Christian should see Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of The Christ. Not because it's the most authentic portrayal of Jesus Christ's last 12 hours, but because it synthesizes into two intense hours God's plan to save the world at cosmic cost. Passion plays have been popular for centuries, but this movie brings us up close [...]

2010-08-06T07:51:54-04:00April 6, 2004|Movie Review, Religion|

Quotes on The Passion

"…A powerful witness to the truth of traditional Christianity, precisely that force that liberal elites have been trying to still for decades. It's Christianity-and especially orthodox Catholicism and evangelicalism-that denies them their total victory in the culture wars. Proponents of abortion, gay marriage, radical feminism, multiculturalism and postmodernism all harbor a deep fear of the truth claims of Christianity." Crisis editor Deal [...]

2010-08-06T07:49:15-04:00April 6, 2004|Movie Review, Religion|

Movie considers the ‘terrible’ question of death

The English premiere of Denys Arcand's The Barbarian Invasions was released Sept. 4 at the Toronto Film Festival. It won two prizes last May at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, including for the best script. This new film is a sequel to The Decline of the American Empire, produced in 1986, that was an Oscar nominee for best foreign movie. Whereas The [...]

2010-08-30T14:03:17-04:00October 30, 2003|Movie Review|

How not to deal with relationships

The worst thing that can happen to teens in seeing a movie is that they are subjected to the wrong morals. Often times, this is exactly the case as teens are confused by the conflicting messages given by a particular film and their faith. In the teen movie How to Deal, Halley Martin is a confused teen who has decided to give [...]

2010-08-26T13:36:34-04:00September 26, 2003|Movie Review, Society & Culture|

Movie is essentially about the battle between good and evil

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Review by Maria VandenbergThe movie that Tolkien fans have eagerly awaited since the release of part one in December 2001, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is likely to merely whet appetites for the third and final part of this fantastical trilogy, anticipated this coming winter. Like millions of others, I ventured [...]

2010-07-27T06:27:43-04:00February 27, 2003|Movie Review|

Veggie Tales gives parents a moral choice for their kids’ entertainment

As the mother of two boys, 12 and five, I am constantly concerned about what entertainment they take in. To make matters more difficult, I must find appropriate movies, TV shows and videos that will be enjoyed by two boys with a seven-year age difference, and preferably ones that don't bore either my husband or I to tears upon the umpteenth time [...]

2010-08-23T11:51:58-04:00November 23, 2002|Movie Review|

Pro-life film is a call from God

The Lord Jesus Christ has awakened me to the devastating trauma of abortion in our society, and He has called me to expose this truth to others by making a pro-life film. I have always been pro-life, but I had not been actively involved in this battle until just recently. Two years ago, after 13 years as a secular broadcast journalist, the [...]

2010-07-06T08:03:43-04:00January 6, 1999|Movie Review, Pro-Life|

One half-true thing

We must admit it's not too often that an editorial is, in a sense, a movie review. But the issues raised by the Oscar-touted new film One True Thing are just too important to be left unaddressed. And those issues are profoundly relevant to our particular quest to build a culture of life. The film stars Meryl Streep as Kate Gulden, a radiantly [...]

2010-07-13T08:11:52-04:00October 13, 1998|Editorials, Movie Review|

How to find family-friendly movies

With the approach of summer comes an increase in leisure time for young people. Despite the prevalence of computer games and the lure of outdoor activity, popular films and videos remain a popular pastime for many. Many parents, however, have noted a distinct lack of choice when it comes to finding positive, family-oriented themes in today's movies. And while the values of [...]

2010-07-09T09:54:04-04:00June 9, 1998|Movie Review|

New video promotes palliative care

Interim special LONDON, Ont. – The Diocese of London Pro-Life Office recently produced a video and pamphlets entitled Caring NOT Killing. The purpose of the Caring NOT Killing video (19-minute and nine-and-a half-minute versions) and pamphlet is to explain for both a religious and secular point of view, what is euthanasia and assisted, what is palliative care, and what the individual can [...]

2010-08-11T11:04:38-04:00July 11, 1997|Movie Review, Pro-Life|
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