
Pro-life MP Mark Warawa, RIP

Mark Warawa Long-time pro-life MP Mark Warawa (Langley-Aldergrove) passed away June 20 after a brief battle with cancer that infected his lungs, colon, and lymph nodes. He announced his retirement earlier this year and in April went public with information about his illness as he asked for prayers: “I need your prayers for a miracle,” he said. Conservative Leader Andrew [...]

2019-07-21T05:54:58-04:00July 19, 2019|Politics, Pro-Life, Profiles|

100 per cent Conservative: The story of the Brad Trost leadership campaign

Brad Trost MP Saskatchewan University decided to run as a principled, 100 per cent conservative, including unapologetically standing for life and family. He surprised pundits and opponents when he finished fourth in the 2016 leadership race. When he entered politics, Brad Trost wanted to defend the principles on which Canada was built: limited government, individual freedom, faith in our Creator, [...]

2019-06-27T05:40:48-04:00June 1, 2019|Announcements, Features, Politics, Pro-Life, Profiles|

DeVeber honoured

Dr. Barrie DeVeber honoured Editor’s Note:The December 2012 Interim reported on a Euthanasia Prevention Coalition national convention held Nov. 17, in London, Ont., which included a banquet to honour Barrie deVeber. We reprint excerpts from the article as part of our coverage of deVeber’s passing last month. After the conference, about 100 people attended a banquet honouring Dr. Barrie deVeber, [...]

2019-04-10T09:30:23-04:00April 10, 2019|Editorials, Euthanasia, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Eric McLuhan, scholar and pro-lifer, RIP

Eric McLuhan was one of The Interim's first columnists Eric McLuhan, son of the famous Marshall McLuhan, was a renowned scholar of media in his own right, and used his expertise to help the pro-life cause. Eric McLuhan, a former columnist for The Interimand popular pro-life speaker, passed away May 18 in Bogota, Colombia, where he had just delivered the [...]

2018-07-24T18:59:34-04:00July 24, 2018|Pro-Life, Profiles, Society & Culture|

Aid to Women founder, CLC accountant Dick Cochrane, RIP

Dick Cochrane was a Spitfire pilot, lounge singer, and founder of Aid to Women. Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes recalls that his friend Richmond (Dick) Cochrane lived an extraordinary and varied life that began in India in 1925 and ended in Canada 92 years later with stops as a Spitfire pilot in the India and Pakistan air forces, [...]

2018-07-24T18:50:58-04:00July 24, 2018|Aid to Women, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Lidwien Grafe, longtime Kingston pro-life activist dies

Kingston pro-life activist Lidwien Grafe talks to Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes After a lengthy battle with cancer, Lidwien Grafe, 81, died June 13 at Providence Care Hospital in Kingston. I first met Lidwien in 1971 when we attended an organizational meeting to discuss the killing of unborn children following the passing of the Omnibus Bill in 1969 [...]

2018-07-24T18:42:45-04:00July 24, 2018|Pro-Life, Profiles|

Pro-life and pro-family Ontarians help Doug Ford win the PC leadership

Doug Ford wins Ontario PC Leadership. On March 10, following a whirlwind six-week leadership campaign during which frontrunner Doug Ford courted pro-life and pro-family  voters after Tanya Granic Allen entered the race, Ford was crowned the new Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leader. Ford was declared the winner late on the Saturday evening after party officials kicked out more than [...]

2018-04-06T10:45:25-04:00April 2, 2018|Announcements, Features, Issues, Politics, Profiles|

Paul Broughton, bookseller to the pro-life movement

Paul Broughton, owner of LifeCycle Books. At its national pro-life conference in Ottawa in November, LifeCanada president Peter Ryan recognized Paul Broughton as a “witness to life,” an “unsung hero” of the pro-life movement. Ryan said the founder of the Toronto-based LifeCycle Books “has served our movement quietly but so capably, diligently, and professionally.” Broughton grew up in Toronto and [...]

2018-01-15T09:28:19-05:00January 15, 2018|Announcements, Features, Pro-Life, Profiles, Society & Culture|

Canon Robert Greene, RIP

Cannon Robert Greene, who fought in World War II said those who perished in the war did not die so Canadians could lose their democratic freedom Banker, soldier, clergyman, politician, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend.  Canon Robert Greene of Calgary wore all these hats over the course of his lifetime, all with the same degree of fervor, all with [...]

2017-12-14T09:52:26-05:00December 15, 2017|Pro-Life, Profiles|

Amazing response to Mary Wagner

More than 34,612 emails and 1,078 letters of support were sent to Ontario Court Justice Rick Libman in support of Mary Wagner.  We excerpt some of the communications below.  For the story about the letters and Wagner's sentences, see 'Outpouring of support for Wagner'  HERE. I wholeheartedly support the efforts of Ms. Mary Wagner to protect the rights of unborn children – [...]

Appreciating Whit Stillman’s comedies of manners

Whit Stillman, New York City August 1990. My youngest daughter is fond of asking unanswerable questions like “what’s your favorite food?” or “who’s your favorite band?” I usually answer that I’m too old to have favorite anythings anymore, but she hasn’t asked me “who’s your favorite living movie director?” yet, and that would be easy to answer: Whit Stillman. Stillman [...]

2016-08-04T09:15:30-04:00August 3, 2016|Announcements, Features, Movie Review, Profiles, Rick McGinnis|

CLC Ontario organizer Sandra Hook, RIP

Sandra Hook On May 17, Sandra Hook, died at the age of 57 following a battle with cancer. Born in Montreal, she had 12 siblings. For the past 20 years she was the Ontario organizer for Campaign Life Coalition working alongside the provincial president Mary Ellen Douglas. Douglas told The Interim, “Sandra was a very private person, so when she [...]

2016-07-02T07:00:31-04:00June 30, 2016|Pro-Life, Profiles|

Joanne Dieleman: The Activist

Joanne Dieleman with two saved babies at Aid to Women. Have things looked bleaker than they do today with assisted suicide and euthanasia recently legalized, abortion available on demand, embryonic stem cell research, designer babies, and organ harvesting for transplants already underway. Is there hope for the pro-life cause today? Perhaps the long perspective of someone who participated at the [...]

2016-04-14T06:29:24-04:00April 11, 2016|Announcements, Features, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Mary Wagner gets four more months in jail

Mary Wagner Judge Mavin Wong sentenced pro-life prisoner of conscience Mary Wagner to 10 months in jail May 5, following Wagner’s April 16 conviction on one count of mischief and two of breach of probation. Crown prosecutor Craig Power asked for a sentence of six months for the mischief charge, and ten months for the breach of probation charges. Power [...]

2015-06-24T10:41:41-04:00June 24, 2015|Marriage and Family, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Charles E. Rice, RIP

Prolific pro-life author Charles Rice remembered as friendly and generous. The pro-life movement lost one its intellectual giants on Feb. 25. Charles E. Rice, a Catholic apologist and Notre Dame Law School professor, was the author of 14 books and countless articles and regular speaker at pro-life events throughout the continent, including Campaign Life Coalition conferences in Canada. Rice passed [...]

2015-05-22T14:04:21-04:00May 22, 2015|Pro-Life, Profiles|
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