Equal Rights

Feminist agency fights attempt at scrutiny of its ideological bias

Status of Women, Canada’s federal agency promoting feminism in Parliament for over 30 years, is under scrutiny and fighting back, all at taxpayers’ expense, says REAL Women of Canada, a national pro-marriage, pro-family women’s rights organization. Status of Women, established by the Trudeau Liberals in 1973 to promote “gender equity” in Canadian politics, has engineered a “counter offensive” against current efforts to [...]

2010-08-18T09:10:41-04:00September 18, 2006|Equal Rights, Real Women|

Canadian sex-selection abortions exposed

The Canadian disgrace of sex-selection abortion is receiving less attention than pollution, though both may cause skewed boy-girl ratios in particular communities and both are matters of public health and justice. The normal birth ratio is 105 males to 100 females and large deviations are cause for concern. In the first grave case, the mainstream media and scientific literature have explored the [...]

2010-08-20T11:37:23-04:00July 20, 2006|Abortion, Abortion statistics, Equal Rights|

Feminist silence deafening

The recent, disturbing news uncovered by Western Standard magazine that sex selection abortions are taking place in Canada is quite simply the inevitable result of the abortion-on-demand ideology that has taken hold in this country, thanks in large part to the agitation of feminist zealots in co-operation with certain other influential and powerful elements that have a grip on key power points [...]

2010-08-20T11:29:57-04:00July 20, 2006|Abortion, Editorials, Equal Rights|

Religious rights upheld

The Interim The Court of Queen's Bench has reversed the 2002 Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission decision that found a man who placed references to Bible verses on homosexuality into a newspaper ad guilty of inciting hatred. Both Hugh Owens of Regina and the Saskatoon StarPhoenix were ordered to pay $1500 to three homosexual activists after Owens placed an ad in the Saskatoon [...]

2010-08-17T09:06:32-04:00May 17, 2006|Equal Rights, Religion|

Here’s what Sharia law really would have meant

Mainstream media didn't fully report on what some Muslims wanted “There will be no Sharia law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians.” So declared Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty on Sept. 12, 2005. Those three sentences brought the campaign to introduce Islamic Sharia law to the province to a crashing halt. [...]

2010-08-16T09:36:29-04:00February 16, 2006|Equal Rights, Society & Culture|

Kerfuffle over calling the Christmas tree what it is

The Interim For years, the centerpiece of a beautiful Christmas display on Boston Common has been a majestic Christmas tree from Nova Scotia, a thank you gift for Boston’s outstanding help in the wake of the devastating Halifax Explosion in 1917. The lighting of the “official Christmas tree” on Dec. 1 has come to mark the traditional start of Boston’s Christmas season. [...]

2010-08-16T08:36:06-04:00January 16, 2006|Equal Rights, Religion|

Conscience rights under siege

Tony Gosgnach The Interim A proposal explicitly to deny pharmacists in Ontario a right to refuse to provide services on the basis of religious belief or personal conviction has implications beyond the matters of simply abortifacient medications and birth control. Some pharmacists fear that, under such a stricture, they may eventually be called on to dispense medications for the purposes of euthanasia, [...]

2010-08-04T08:09:10-04:00December 4, 2005|Abortion, Assisted Suicide, Equal Rights, Euthanasia|

Christmas and the first lady

Commentary by Donald DeMarco The Interim It is no doubt the lingering effect of original sin that has allowed the canons of political correctness to interfere with such an innocent and blessed pastime as the singing of Christmas carols. One distraught lady told me how she was sharply rebuked by her church minister for selecting Away in A Manger to be sung [...]

2010-08-04T08:02:49-04:00December 4, 2005|Equal Rights, Religion|

UNFPA shills for feminism UN agency releases report in Toronto calling for more abortion

Tony Gosgnach The Interim The alleged importance of “sexual and reproductive health” and “gender equality” to the alleviation of world poverty was a point constantly hammered home like a mantra when the release of the annual State of the World Population Report by the United Nations Fund for Population was heralded at a press conference in Toronto Oct. 12. Paddy Torsney, parliamentary [...]

2010-08-03T17:57:02-04:00November 3, 2005|Abortion, Equal Rights, Sex Education|

Canadian to head International Order of Alhambra

Pete Vere The Interim With the support of approximately 75 per cent of voting delegates, the International Order of Alhambra has elected Gerald K. Forster as its new supreme commander. The order is a 100-year-old Catholic fraternal organization that is devoted to serving the mentally and cognitively challenged. It boasts more than 4,000 members throughout Canada, Mexico and the United States. These [...]

2015-03-16T19:16:50-04:00October 3, 2005|Equal Rights, Human rights|

Feds found to be funding feminist extremism

Peter Stock The Interim It’s among the smallest of federal departments with only 70 staff, nearly all of whom are women, yet it has to be considered among the most controversial. The Status of Women ministry, with its unfortunate acronym SOW, is essentially a granting agency that hands out taxpayers’ money to advocacy groups that promote the radical feminist aspects of the [...]

2010-08-03T08:21:33-04:00October 3, 2005|Equal Rights, Politics|

Orwellian Canada: tenant to be evicted simply for displaying a sign defending traditional marriage

LifeSiteNews.com Special to The Interim “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” The famous line from George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a satire on a Marxist revolution and the lies and distortions required to achieve and maintain it, is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens, but give power and [...]

2010-07-30T12:36:38-04:00August 30, 2005|Activism, Equal Rights, Marriage and Family|

Fry, Day agree: clergy will marry gay couples

LifeSiteNews.com Special to The Interim Hedy Fry, parliamentary secretary to the Canadian minister of citizenship and immigration, says same-sex “marriage,” as legalized by Bill C-38, is an issue of “equality rights.” Fry is implying that the law would be used to force religious groups to perform same-sex “weddings” within their own congregations. She referred to a meeting of representatives of “Buddhists, Hindus, [...]

2010-08-26T08:52:59-04:00June 30, 2005|Equal Rights, Marriage and Family|

UN prohibits all cloning

Interim Staff On March 8, the United Nations General Assembly formally adopted an international declaration that calls on member states to enact legislation to “prohibit all forms of human cloning.” By a vote of 84-34, the assembly approved the measure, which serves to set an international standard that humans should not be created through cloning for any purpose. This places human life [...]

2010-07-29T12:55:59-04:00April 29, 2005|Equal Rights|

Knights of Columbus targeted for same-sex human rights complaint

Mike Mastromatteo The Interim Pro-life and pro-family groups are not optimistic that a forthcoming decision from the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal will advance the cause of freedom of religion in Canada. At issue is the rental of a Knights of Columbus hall in Port Coquitlam, B.C. for a lesbian wedding reception. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization. The [...]

2010-07-29T12:59:13-04:00March 29, 2005|Equal Rights, Marriage and Family, Pro-Life|
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