News in Brief


N.B. appeals Morgentaler standing FREDERICTON ? The New Brunswick government is appealing a court ruling giving abortionist Henry Morgentaler standing in a case that will test the province?s ability to restrict taxpayer funding for abortions to government-run hospitals. Justice Paulette Gannett of the Court of Queen?s Bench decided on Aug. 1 that Morgentaler could have standing, because he represented the public interest [...]

2010-01-13T06:36:21-05:00December 13, 2008|News Bits, News in Brief|

News Briefs

Conservative Anglican paper banned BRANDON, Man. — Anglican Bishop Jim Njegovan has banned The Anglican Planet, an independent monthly paper, from his diocese of Brandon, Man. According to the CBC, Bishop Njegovan charged the publication was “sowing the seeds of distrust and disdain within the church” and failing to respect “those in authority over them.” It appears that the bishop is concerned [...]

2010-08-04T07:17:35-04:00December 4, 2005|News in Brief|

News Briefs

Family planning schemes spread AIDS BALTIMORE - A new study by the National Institutes of Health, University of North Carolina and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore said that international family planning schemes that promote the injected contraceptive Depo-Provera has led to a worsening of the AIDS epidemic and spread of other STDs in Africa, southeast Asia and South America. At first glance, [...]

2010-08-09T09:40:59-04:00October 9, 2004|Marriage and Family, News in Brief|

News Briefs

Man attempted to cause miscarriage Focus demands assessment Abortion leader to step down State's abortion numbers halved Finkel begins defense Women pressured to abort Euthanasia in Korea Man attempted to cause miscarriage MONTREAL - Gary Bourgeois, 46, pleaded guilty to assault and administering a toxic substance after drugging his pregnant girlfriend to get her to miscarry. The woman had refused to get [...]

2010-08-31T10:56:38-04:00December 1, 2003|News in Brief|

News Briefs

Man attempted to cause miscarriage Focus demands assessment Abortion leader to step down State's abortion numbers halved Finkel begins defense Women pressured to abort Euthanasia in Korea Man attempted to cause miscarriage MONTREAL - Gary Bourgeois, 46, pleaded guilty to assault and administering a toxic substance after drugging his pregnant girlfriend to get her to miscarry. The woman had refused to get [...]

2010-09-01T08:39:37-04:00November 1, 2003|News in Brief|


Kopp guilty of murder Pro-life honoured for UN work Philipines proposes IUD ban Pro-life 'disturbance' gets hearing Kopp guilty of murder Buffalo, NY - James Kopp was found guilty of second-degree murder in the shooting death of abortionist Barnett Slepian. Kopp, who is a suspect in several non-fatal shootings of abortionists in Canada, said through his lawyer that he intended only to [...]

2010-07-29T12:02:52-04:00April 29, 2003|News in Brief|

Ontario injunction case opens in Jan.

Lawyers were in court recently as preliminary details regarding the proposed injunction against pro-life activity in Ontario were settled.  The Provincial Attorney General Marion Boyd has presented eight volumes of evidence which she plans to use against the 18 pro-lifers named in the lawsuit. The province is launching a lawsuit for $500,000 against the 18, and is applying for an injunction at [...]

2009-08-27T14:08:53-04:00August 27, 1993|News in Brief, Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

The month in Review

The Sally Ann and abortion In the June 10 edition of its newspaper Warcry, the Salvation Army printed its stance on abortion.  This position is highlighted by the first sentence which says that the Salvation Army believes in the sanctity of all human life.  It further goes on to state that they “support measures necessary to prevent any crisis pregnancy but are [...]

2009-08-27T12:28:14-04:00July 27, 1993|Abortion, News in Brief, Population, Society & Culture|

Alberta Tories trample opposition

Ralph Klein, the flamboyant, ex-mayor of Calgary, has led his Conservative party to a majority in the Alberta provincial elections. Klein, who replaced Don Getty last December, led his Tories to 51 seats, while Liberal leader Laurence Decore took 32. Perhaps the biggest surprise was the incredible beating which the New Democrats suffered.  The party failed to win one seat and its [...]

2009-08-26T08:50:42-04:00July 26, 1993|News in Brief, Politics, Society & Culture|

Court strikes down gag law

Calgary – A decision by the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench has many lobbying organizations, including the pro-life movement, heaving a huge sigh of relief. The court ruled that the recently passes Bill C-114, more commonly known as the gag law, was unconstitutional.  The Bill threatened imprisonment to citizens who independently spent more than $1,000 to support or oppose political parties or [...]

2009-08-25T12:29:00-04:00July 2, 1993|News in Brief, Politics|

The month in review

Not a good month It has been a brutal month for North American radical homosexual lobby groups.  First came President Clinton’s waffling on allowing homosexuals in the military.  Next came the crushing findings of an Allan Guttmacher (Planned Parenthood) survey which revealed that only 2% of North American men have ever engaged in homosexual conduct and that just over 1% considered themselves [...]

2009-08-25T12:17:34-04:00June 25, 1993|News in Brief|

CBC intimidation

Cheryl Eckstein senior, chief executive officer of the newly founded Compassionate Healthcare Network (CHN), has just learned how difficult it is to get out a pro-life message in the face of media opposition. During a presentation on euthanasia to a parliamentary sub-committee in Ottawa last November, Mrs. Eckstein showed a brief clip from a CBC Fifth Estate programme.  Her video clip was [...]

2009-08-21T13:55:10-04:00January 21, 1993|News in Brief, Society & Culture|

South of the Border

  ‘Gay’ rights flower in Connecticut. The state legislature has passed a sweeping homosexual rights statute.  It criminalizes “discrimination” against homosexuals professional associations, landlords and business people; it gives extensive new  powers to a state commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, including the power to subpoena defendants’ “books and papers” (Sec. 22[10]); and it bans any “advertisement” that “ridicules or holds up [...]

2010-02-05T11:31:42-05:00July 5, 1991|News in Brief|

Counter-witness & Catholics

The problem of giving witness counter to one’s beliefs is as old as mankind. Each generation has to choose between expediency and principle according to the circumstances in which it finds itself. History seems to show that most people incline towards expediency and compromise, leaving the defence of principle to the few. Yet unless the few manage to garner enough support at [...]

2009-08-19T11:13:57-04:00January 19, 1989|Abortion, News in Brief, Politics|

Late News Flashes

Ottawa – Mother Teresa will speak at a pro-life rally September 17 on Parliament Hill.  Mother Teresa, renowned for her work with India’s poor, was asked to speak as a special guest, by Ian Speirs of Christians for Life the organizers of the rally. Others taking part in the day-long rally include Heather Stillwell, president of Alliance for Life and Jim Hughes, [...]

2009-07-27T09:06:33-04:00October 27, 1988|News in Brief|
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