World Briefs

World Briefs

Christians leaving Middle East due to religious intolerance WASHINGTON - A report released by the Hudson Institute's Centre for Religious Freedom says there is an increasing exodus of Christian and other religious minorities in the Middle East, who are facing increasing harrassment and decreasing rights to practise their faiths in predominantly Muslim countries. Paul Marshall, of the Hudson Institute and former University [...]

2010-06-30T13:17:30-04:00August 30, 2007|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Planned Parenthood continues U.S. slaughter WASHINGTON – Planned Parenthood has released its “service numbers,” reporting that it killed 264,943 unborn babies in 2005. As American Life League vice-president Jim Sedlak notes, that is 5,095 babies each week – a number representing more victims than either the attacks on Pearl Harbour (2,403) or 9/11 (2,985). Sedlak said that since PP began killing humans [...]

2010-04-30T09:07:32-04:00June 30, 2007|World Briefs|

U.S.A. and World Briefs

Congress votes for ESCR funding WASHINGTON – By a vote of 253-174, the newly elected Democratic House of Representatives voted to lift current limits on federal funding of embryonic stem cells. In 2001, President George W. Bush restricted federal funding for ESCR to existing stem cell lines, but some scientists complained these stem cell colonies were insufficient for their research. In 2006, [...]

2010-01-20T06:34:57-05:00February 20, 2007|News Bits, World Briefs|

World Briefs

Woman’s death exploited by Nicaraguan pro-aborts MANAGUA – Hot on the heals of Nicaragua tightening its already strong pro-life laws, abortion advocates have claimed Jazmina Bojorge and her unborn five-month baby died in a Managua hospital after she was admitted for an unknown cause with symptoms that included abdominal pains. Juanita Jimenez of the Women’s Autonomous Movement of Nicaragua claimed that doctors [...]

2010-01-14T11:07:24-05:00January 14, 2007|News Bits, World Briefs|

World Briefs

Comatose patients could be used for experiments MELBOURNE – An Australian medical official has suggested using incapacitated patients - people in a so-called permanent vegetative states - for medical experiments. Dr. Steven Curry, of the University of Melbourne, says that, “Those who are in a PVS ... have no continuing interest in their own survival,” and thus could benefit others. U.S. Supreme [...]

2010-08-19T12:46:22-04:00November 19, 2006|Abortion, Euthanasia, World Briefs|


Ottawa hasn’t decided on New Brunswick abortion funding CHARLOTTETOWN — At a meeting of the Canadian Medical Association, federal Health Minister Tony Clement told reporters no decision has been made on how to deal with New Brunswick’s refusal to fund private abortion sites. New Brunswick only pays for “medically necessary” abortions in public hospitals up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Under the [...]

2010-08-20T08:03:28-04:00October 20, 2006|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Columbia court “de-penalizes” abortion BOGOTA – The Columbian Constitutional Court has “de-penalized” abortions, which has made way for “authorized” abortions to take place. “De-penalization” means that no criminal charges can be laid for abortion, even though it is not actually “legal.” Dan Zeidler, the U.S. representative of the Latin American Alliance for the Family, believes that such action is only making way [...]

2010-08-18T09:10:28-04:00September 18, 2006|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Vietnamese pro-lifers become active HO CHI MINH CITY - Vietnam's high abortion rate - 74,000 in Ho Chi Minh City alone in 2005 - has led to the development of an indigenous pro-life movement. Local pro-lifers have set up a cemetery where aborted babies are buried, with more than 400 burials from January to March. Also, more than 1,000 pro-lifers attended a [...]

2010-08-20T09:06:28-04:00August 20, 2006|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Amnesty closer to supporting abortion ‘rights’ LONDON – Amnesty International U.K. has supported a motion advocating abortion as a human right that is scheduled to debated on at the prominent human rights international convention in 2007. The New Zealand branch of AI also voted in favour of a similar resolution. New Zealand Right to Life condemned Amnesty’s decision “to actively fight to [...]

2010-08-17T10:23:59-04:00June 17, 2006|Abortion, World Briefs|

World Briefs

No jail time for unborn baby’s death MACOMB COUNTY, Mich. – A teenage boy, now 17, who beat his pregnant girlfriend’s belly with a miniature baseball bat, inducing a miscarriage, has pleaded no contest to criminal charges and will avoid jail. Macomb County prosecutor Eric Smith had earlier described the crime as “shocking and reprehensible” and pledged he would not entertain a [...]

2010-08-03T08:05:04-04:00October 3, 2005|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Group wants pro-abortion Catholics removed MANASSAS, Va. – The Cardinal Newman Society has written to 75,000 people, asking for assistance in its campaign to have pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia academics removed from their positions in U.S. Catholic universities. They seek to remove the likes of Fr. Kevin O’Rourke, a bioethicist at Loyola University, who has argued that it is morally permissible to remove [...]

2010-07-30T13:07:36-04:00September 30, 2005|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Filthy abortuary draws sanction KANSAS CITY, MO. – A state medical agency has permanently revoked the medical licence of a Kansas City abortionist cited repeatedly for violating health and safety standards at his facility. An inspector found the facility unclean and that Krishna Rajanna and his staff kept syringes of medications in an unlocked refrigerator. A dead mouse was also found in [...]

2010-08-04T06:57:44-04:00July 4, 2005|Abortion, Politics, Pro-Life, World Briefs|

World Briefs

Iran closer to legalizing abortion TEHRAN – Mehrangiz Morovati, a member of the Iranian parliament, claimed that abortion is not prohibited by the Quran and that she will seek approval of a proposed law legalizing the practice. “The draft of abortion therapy was passed with the official permission from supreme leader of Islamic Republic and other religious authorities, so in this respect, [...]

2010-07-29T12:05:59-04:00March 29, 2005|Abortion, Issues, Pro-Life, World Briefs|

World Briefs

Spain lurches to licentiousness MADRID - Spain's socialist government approved a bill to legalize same-sex "marriage," but put off liberalizing the country's abortion law until at least 2005. Parliament is expected to approve gay "marriage" in January, when Spain would become the third European country to legalize homosexual nuptials. The same bill includes a measure allowing adoption by same-sex parents. Meanwhile, a [...]

2010-08-09T14:41:46-04:00November 9, 2004|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Baby's head left in woman after abortion LONDON - Hours after undergoing an abortion at King's College Hospital in London, 29-year old Davina Chambers came face to face with her aborted baby. Chambers was discharged from the hospital after the abortion, and hospital personnel told her that they had done three scans on her and that everything was fine. Then the unthinkable [...]

2010-08-09T07:56:40-04:00September 9, 2004|World Briefs|
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