Three pro-life activists who were convicted of “public mischief” following the October 1992 “Cross of Hope Rescue” at the Morgentaler abortuary in Halifax have filed an appeal.

Paul Cheverie and Ken Biso from Charlottetown, PEI and Ann Marie Tomlins of Borden, Ontario filed their notice of appeal on October 21 on the grounds that the presiding judge denied them their right to properly construct their defense; the sentence and conviction were severe and punitive; and there was undue delay in a trial which took nearly two years.

The three will submit arguments to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia on March 6, 1995.  The decision to appeal was made after consultation with several lawyers.  The consensus was that there are valid and just grounds for appeal.  Even more important is the real motive for appealing- the injustice of denying unborn children the right to life.

Although the three cannot afford legal representation, consultation and assistance are taking place with pro-life lawyers and with the Canadian Centre for Law and Justice.  So far consultation has led to the conclusion that there is a good chance of having the conviction and sentence overturned.