Student for Life, a pro-life group at the University of Toronto, set up a photographic display showing an abortion in progress, at Sidney Smith Hall on the 3rd of this past month. They were summarily forced to close down their display by Metro Police, in spite of written permission granted by governors of the university to permit the display.

The rather blatant censorship of this action, justified by police under the title ‘offensive’, set off a strong student reaction on both sides. But, as the university’s own paper, The Varsity, showed pro-life students were ‘shocked’ and spoke out that no ‘law’ was broken.

The letters to the editor really summarize the mentality of the pro-abortion police action; “If people are going to remove a group because they offend, then why was the Gay and Lesbian awareness display not asked to leave? …Would a pro-abortionist group have received the same treatment?”

In another letter, “A precedent was set for the suppression of the right of expression in the lobby of Sid Smith building…”