Abortion Funding

Abortion defunding rally Oct. 22

There will be a ‘Defund Abortion Rally’ in Toronto at Queens Park on Saturday, Oct. 22. The purpose of the rally is “to make defunding abortion an issue in the newly elected provincial government,” organizer and head of Campaign Life Coalition Youth Alissa Golob told The Interim. The rally will be just the beginning of a nationwide movement to defund abortion, as [...]

2011-08-29T13:03:32-04:00August 29, 2011|Events, Youth Activism|

Free abortions for refugee claimants

The Canadian government is funding abortion-on-demand for refugees under a health plan meant to provide “emergency and essential health-care,” the Toronto Sun revealed. In the government’s handbook on the refugee health-care program, which is administered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), abortion is singled out from all other surgeries, which are only covered if a doctor deems them to be an [...]

2010-11-17T13:19:30-05:00November 17, 2010|Abortion|

G8 backs abortion-free maternal health initiative

The leaders of the G8 countries meeting in Huntsville, Ont., endorsed Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s signature Muskoka Initiative on maternal and infant health and pro-life leaders are cautiously optimistic that it will remain abortion-free despite loaded wording of the leaders’ statement. On June 26, the G8 released a statement committing the world’s rich countries -- Canada, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, [...]

2010-08-28T06:43:49-04:00August 28, 2010|Abortion, Politics|

Pro-abortion Obamacare passes after Stupak compromise

On March 21, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 219-212 to approve the Democrats’ pro-abortion health care reform bill. The bill passed after Rep. Bart Stupak (D, Mich.) accepted a compromise from the White House that he says will limit abortion funding. Last November, Stupak co-authored an amendment that restricted taxpayer funding of abortion. A similar effort in the Senate failed although [...]

2010-04-07T06:02:27-04:00April 9, 2010|Abortion|

IPPF complains about Ottawa’s lack of funding

The International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world’s largest abortion provider, is complaining that the Canadian government has not yet responded to its request for a funding renewal of $18 million over the next three years. IPPF spokesman Paul Bell told Canwest News Service that his organization was “taken by surprise” after Michael Ignatieff pointed out the delay in IPPF’s funding in late [...]

2010-03-30T18:37:33-04:00March 30, 2010|Planned Parenthood|

Abortion issues continue to stymie health care reform

In an attempt to address concerns about expanding abortion coverage that might result from changes to the U.S. health care system, Senator Max Baucus (D, Montana), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, amended his proposed bill to say that abortion cannot be mandated by the Department of Health and Human Services. The change echoes an amendment proposed by Rep. Lois [...]

2009-10-23T08:44:34-04:00October 23, 2009|Abortion, Society & Culture|

Life issues permeate US health care debate

Health care reform bills introduced by Congressional Democrats and backed by the White House include federal taxpayer funding of abortion and open the door to rationing care for the elderly and other vulnerable persons, in order to realize savings in the overall health care system. These controversial measures have led to a backlash against President Barack Obama’s goal of broadly [...]

2009-09-29T05:49:50-04:00September 29, 2009|Columnist, Paul Tuns, Politics|

New Brunswick faces lawsuit over abortion funding

Seven Moncton-based women’s rights activists are preparing to take New Brunswick to the Supreme Court to force it to pay for all abortions. At present, it covers only those deemed “medically necessary” by two specialists, and those performed in a hospital by a gynecologist-obstetrician. Only two ob-gyns in the province commit abortions. The group claims to include doctors who have worked with [...]

2010-01-27T12:41:06-05:00February 27, 2007|Abortion Law|

Fake pro-abortion ‘charities’ being scrutinized

A new day has arrived for those of us who believe in the pro-life cause in Canada. We all remember the days when Human Life International had its charity status revoked for alleged political activity, while other pro-life groups were harassed by what is now known as the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. Well, it’s time to level the playing field. In [...]

2010-01-14T12:48:00-05:00January 14, 2007|Society & Culture|

New Brunswick won’t be further coerced into funding abortions

A year ago, Ottawa was pressuring New Brunswick to pay for abortions committed in Henry Morgentaler’s Fredericton abortuary. Today, nobody seems to be in a hurry to pursue that issue. Under former premier Bernard Lord’s Conservative government, the province paid for abortions only if they were done in hospitals after two doctors attested to “medical necessity.” The government had a strict policy [...]

2010-01-14T12:35:00-05:00January 14, 2007|Abortion, Politics|
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