
Abortion and the Constitution in Canada and the U.S

National Affairs Rory Leishman In a televised debate on October 15th among Democrat candidates for President of the United States in next year’s election, former vice-president Joe Biden maintained: ”Reproductive rights are a constitutional right.” Furthermore, he promised to nominate people for the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) who can be relied upon to “support the right of [...]

2019-11-14T20:43:04-05:00November 14, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law, Issues, Rory Leishman|

More than 2200 unborn babies found on abortionist’s property

Case reminds observers of the Gosnell ‘House of Horrors’ Ulrich Klopfer The bodies of 2,246 aborted babies were found in the home of a recently deceased abortionist who previously operated in South Bend, Indiana. Abortionist Ulrich Klopfer committed abortions at The Women’s Pavilion in South Bend, Indiana and at other Indiana facilities until his medical license was suspended in 2016. [...]

2019-10-28T09:24:56-04:00October 28, 2019|Abortion|

Actress brags about two abortions

Actress Alyssa Milano, 46, who earlier this year urged women go on a “sex strike” to protest state-level abortion restrictions, revealed that she had two abortions in 1993 when she was 20 years old. On her podcast Sorry Not Sorry, Milano said she was “in love for the first time” and “it was an exciting time in my life.” Milano said she [...]

2019-09-30T12:00:06-04:00September 30, 2019|Abortion, Fetal Rights|

Hollywood abortion depictions more ‘unapologetic:’ report

As major entertainers and Hollywood studios ramp up their pro-abortion advocacy, a new study by left-wing researchers from the University of California has found a significant uptick in positive depictions of the “choice” to abort a child in film and television. The University of California-San Francisco’s Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) is a think tank known for pro-abortion research touted [...]

2019-09-30T11:56:16-04:00September 30, 2019|Abortion|


Talk Turkey Josie Luetke Like most writers, I aim to stand by everything I say, but, alas, that’s near impossible. Still, it’s bothersome to have to amend something so shortly after writing it. In the July/August edition of The Interim, I stated in my article, “How to talk about abortion,” that it’s important to acknowledge that “pregnancy is very difficult.” [...]

2019-09-18T09:10:55-04:00September 18, 2019|Josie Luetke|

The coming nightmare of abstract humanism

There are many definitions of the cynic. The one I choose for this article describes the person who is hostile toward the past that he knows and hospitable toward the future that he does not know. The clearest example of this form of cynicism about which I am aware belongs to a former colleague of mine who shall remain anonymous: “Marriage is [...]

2019-09-16T08:42:51-04:00September 16, 2019|Abortion, Donald DeMarco, Planned Parenthood|

The pro-choice crack-up

Events of late suggest that the pro-life movement is getting under progressives’ skins. I don’t mean – merely – that the merchants of unrestricted abortion have become more than normally deracinated from reason. That is true, of course; but the good news is that they now seem genuinely spooked (rather than in the usual, performance-art sort of way). The beginnings of the [...]

2019-09-16T08:36:52-04:00September 16, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law, Politics|

Pro-lifers must eschew gestational limits New paper by Jakki Jeffs shows flaws in International Abortion Standards Law

Jakki Jeffs says pro-lifers cannot support gestational limits because they undermine the pro-life ethic. Muddled thinking leads to fatal errors. This is no more so than in the subject of gestational limits, which refers to the age of the unborn child measured in number of weeks This may be a terse way to describe the misguided efforts of WeNeedALaw and [...]

2019-07-29T12:58:53-04:00August 1, 2019|Marriage and Family, Pro-Life|

Pride cometh before a fall

Josie Luetke It may just be my impression, but this past Pride Month seemed particularly vociferous. On numerous occasions, socially conservative friends and coworkers dutifully noted: “Pride cometh before the fall.” Now, I mean no offense to them and believe they were just offering a sincere warning, but it’s easy to see how this verse could be recited proudly, as [...]

NDP ups abortion ante in platform release

The federal NDP released its 2019 campaign platform during the provincial wing’s Ontario convention in Hamilton June 13-15. Among the promises to invest in health care and fight climate change, is a section on “The courage to do what is right,” with a subsection on gender equality. Among the items listed is a commitment to increase support for abortion. The platform reads: [...]

2019-07-29T12:49:20-04:00August 1, 2019|Abortion, Politics|

How to talk about abortion

Reassessing the purpose If given the chance, pro-lifers will jump at the opportunity to talk about abortion with fellow pro-lifers. Conversations with pro-choicers are often intimidating though. There are many reasons why an awareness that the pro-life position is not politically correct, or a fear of upsetting someone over this emotionally charged issue. A big factor is the pressure that comes with thinking [...]

2019-07-23T07:28:47-04:00July 22, 2019|Abortion, Announcements, Features, Fetal Rights|

Peterborough Pro Life educates public about abortion

Organizer hopes other groups take up information campaign For the past 39 years, Peterborough Pro Life Corporation Inc,. has been dedicated to fostering respect for the dignity and sanctity of every human life, from the moment of conception to natural death. The group can be seen peacefully protesting every Saturday morning from 10-11 am on University Drive near the Peterborough Regional Health [...]

2019-07-23T07:03:08-04:00July 22, 2019|Abortion, Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups, Society & Culture|

How to not talk about abortion

In a 1976 issue of Esquire magazine, the late surgeon and writer, Richard Selzer, wrote about his experience of witnessing an abortion. He sets the scene: a professional doctor in his 40s, at ease in hospitals, and unfazed by the remedies and rites of the ailing body, he has asked to see a procedure which, like all right-thinking, university-town-dwellers, he notionally supports. What [...]

2019-08-08T07:36:35-04:00July 22, 2019|Abortion, Editorials|

Poisoning the well

Donald DeMarco Abortion advocates are getting nervous. Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, and Georgia have approved banning abortion from the moment fetal heartbeat is detected. In Alabama, Governor Kay Ellen Ivey has signed into law America’s most restrictive anti-abortion legislation.  Senators in that state, by a vote of 25 to 6, approved a bill that would ban nearly all abortions. The Media, [...]

2019-06-19T13:36:30-04:00June 20, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law|
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