
The real We scandal: its support for abortion

The summer political news cycle was dominated a scandal that saw the Federal Liberals give money to the We Charity, which had paid speaking fees to members of the Trudeau family and provided travel to the family of then-finance minister Bill Morneau. In the Spring, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $900-million in new funding for students who could not find summer work [...]

2020-12-06T16:43:30-05:00August 31, 2020|Abortion, Issues, Society & Culture, Youth Activism|

Over one third of Ontario’s English Catholic school boards support ‘Pride Month’

Eleven of Ontario’s 29 English Catholic school boards explicitly acknowledged June as “Pride Month,” even though “Pride” events are known for celebrating homosexuality, transsexualism, and other sexually deviant behaviors. The Catholic boards acknowledged “Pride Month” in the context of assurances that Catholic schools are inclusive and welcoming to all and often used the tagline: “We are all wonderfully made,” with an illustration [...]

Virtual National March for Life

  Campaign Life Coalition vice president Matt Wojciechowski and CLC Youth coordinator Josie Luetke host the 2020 Virtual National March for Life. Forced to cancel the National March for Life scheduled for May 14 due to the coronavirus pandemic, Campaign Life Coalition hosted a Virtual National March for Life online, along with a full week of events including a film festival, a [...]

Coronavirus vaccine may use aborted fetal tissue

Trump administration attacked over limits on fetal tissue research Amidst a race by pharmaceutical companies to develop a coronavirus vaccine, Democrats are pressing the Trump administration to reverse its executive order limiting research utilizing cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue. Pro-life and religious leaders are urging the Trump administration to resist the pressure to rescind the rules prohibiting fetal tissue research [...]

May 10-15 Virtual March for Life

Campaign Life Coalition has scrambled to organize a virtual and truly national March for Life the second week of May after city and provincial officials closed down events and venues because of COVID-19, making the annual event in Ottawa an impossibility. Pro-lifers across Canada are asked to tune into the livestream at throughout the week for a number of events. [...]

The pro-life lessons of Horton Hears a Who

Gabrielle Vandergragt Editor’s Note:Gabrielle Vandergragt, attends Bishop Smith High School in Pembroke, Ont., finished second in the 2019-2020 Fr. Ted Essay Scholarship. This is her essay.  Did you hear he heard a Who? Who heard a Who, you ask? Well, Horton did! Horton heard a Who when the Whos of Whoville were wafting in the wind. Horton Hears a Whois [...]

Federal ban on ‘conversion therapy’ threatens to jail caring parents

Law Matters John Carpay If Trudeau’s Bill C-8 becomes law, parents could spend up to five years in jail for trying to help their son accept himself as a boy, or for helping their daughter to accept herself as a girl. C-8 would also impose prison terms up to five years for doctors, counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other paid professionals whose [...]

Trudeau government proposes conversion therapy ban

Yukon looks to join provinces, cities outlawing the procedure Ann Gillies speaking at a Campaign Life Coalition clergy luncheon in February warning that bans on conversion therapy threatens religious freedom and parental rights. On March 6, Justice Minister David Lametti tabled a bill to make it a crime to outlaw conversion therapy for minors to help them overcome same-sex extraction [...]

2020-04-12T20:20:31-04:00April 12, 2020|Religion, Society & Culture, Transgender|

And then there was this …

Canada Did you know, dear pro-life reader, that the Canadian government categorizes you as a “terror threat” to the peace, justice and good order of our country. We don’t threaten anyone, we don’t hold the country hostage to our demands, we don’t jeopardize the economy of our country, and we don’t hate. Yet, the Canadian conservative medium, Rebel News, has revealed that [...]

2020-03-23T13:08:13-04:00March 23, 2020|And then there was this...|

Unplanned: the value of human life

Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship third place winner Nikole Wassenaar Nikole Wassenaar Editor’s Note:  Nikole Wassenaar who attends Smithville Christian High School in Smithville, Ont., finished third in the 2019-2020 Fr. Ted Essay Scholarship. This is her essay. Slaughter or solution? This question has been an ongoing controversy for decades. ln recent years there has been a growing divide on this topic [...]

Canada Summer Jobs: ideology trumps the rule of law

Law Matters John Carpay Justin Trudeau loves preaching about “diversity,” “tolerance,” and “inclusion.” Sadly, these concepts have no application to Christian summer camps which help underprivileged children to enjoy hiking, swimming, canoeing and campfires. In 2018, the Trudeau government tried to force Canada Summer Jobs applicants to sign an attestation supporting the prime minister’s views on abortion. Trudeau backed down [...]

2020-03-12T08:24:43-04:00March 12, 2020|John Carpay, Politics, Summer Jobs|

You gave me what I wanted. You ruined my life.

Law Matters John Carpay In AB v. CD,the BC Court of Appeal ruled that a female-born minor who wants to become a man can continue taking puberty blockers and testosterone against the objections of the child’s father. I wonder about the conversations that transgender adults may one day have with the judges who authorized them as children to pursue irreversible [...]

2020-02-26T06:59:35-05:00February 24, 2020|Announcements, Features, John Carpay, Sex Education, Transgender|

University of Ottawa student union strips pro-life club of official status

Ruth Shaw executive director for the National Life Network. The campus pro-life group at the University of Ottawa vows to fight a recent decision that has stripped it of official club status. “So effectively as of right now, the club has lost status,” says pro-life champion Ruth Shaw, executive director for the National Campus Life Network, a group that trains [...]

2020-02-24T20:44:57-05:00February 24, 2020|Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups, Society & Culture|

B.C. appeal court rules father must refer to teen daughter as ‘him’

The British Columbia court of appeal ruled Friday that a 13-year-old girl was old enough to consent to testosterone shots despite her father’s objections that his troubled daughter had been influenced by transgender advocates and did not understand the long-term consequences of her decision. The appeal ruling released January 10 also placed the father under a “conduct order” effective until April that [...]

2020-02-24T18:04:19-05:00February 24, 2020|Marriage and Family, Religion, Transgender|

44 professors at Catholic university oppose screening pro-life film Unplanned

Forty-four faculty members from a Catholic university in Canada have demanded the school apologize for allowing campus ministry to show the wildly successful pro-life film Unplanned. Unplanned, a movie about the life of former Texas Planned Parenthood centre manager Abby Johnson, recounts how she quit her job in 2009 after having a conversion and renouncing abortion. Its debut across Canada, as well [...]

2020-02-24T17:58:35-05:00February 24, 2020|Issues, Pro-Life, Society & Culture|
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