Monthly Archives: July 1991

Bits and pieces

Spare the Rod and Save the Child? Reports from the province of Sichuan in Southwest China continue to highlight the brutal measures enforced by the Communist Government to maintain population control. When fifty women became pregnant without Government permission, they, together with their husbands were forced to attend lectures on the evils of defying the state. When ten of the husbands refused [...]

2010-02-05T11:52:20-05:00July 5, 1991|Bits n' Pieces|

What goes around, comes around

It began long before the proposed euthanasia legislation was tabled by Ontario’s NDP Government on May 27 of this year.  It began before Norm Sterling of the PC Party introduced his own version of euthanasia legislation in Bills 7 and 8. When did it begin? It began when we as a society, cheapened human life-when we, forgetting or ignoring the atrocities which [...]

2010-02-05T11:48:22-05:00July 5, 1991|Politics|

Ontario taxpayers to fund abortuaries

Under the auspices of the Independent Health Facilities Act, introduced by the former Liberal Government, abortions performed in private abortuaries will be financed by Ontario taxpayers. Making the announcement at Queen’s Park, Health Minister Frances Lankin said abortion services will be expanded across the province while a program to recruit and train doctors to become abortionists will be studied. While spokespersons from the [...]

2010-02-05T11:46:45-05:00July 5, 1991|Abortion|

Active and Passive Euthanasia – there is no difference

Addressing a hundred and ten participants in a one-day workshop on euthanasia, Professor Joseph Boyle of St. Micheal’s College, University of Toronto, denounced the hypocrisy surrounding euthanasia or mercy killing. “There is no difference between passive and active euthanasia,” he stated.  “Both end in the death of a human being.” Professor Boyle then went on to say that passive euthanasia, homicide by [...]

2010-02-05T11:43:52-05:00July 5, 1991|Euthanasia|

Father of Killer Pill greeted by Grim Reaper

When Etienne Baulieu, the scientist most closely associated with RU-486, visited Toronto on May 27, the welcoming committee organized by the Ontario Coalition of Abortion Clinics was overshadowed by the Grim Reaper and two dozen black robed, skeletal –masked mourners who followed bearing a coffin. While funeral music played, several other pro-lifers distributed literature informing passersby that RU-486 kills babies and has [...]

2010-02-05T11:42:22-05:00July 5, 1991|Abortion, Health Risks|

Judges to be re-educated

During the Real Conference in early May, National Vice-President Gwen Landolt zeroed in on the “feminist indoctrination” of federal judges at the Canadian Education Centre [see “feminism harms women, says president,” The Interim June 1991.] Canadian Judicial Council The Canadian Education Centre [CEC] was set up a few years ago by the Canadian Judicial Council to keep judges updated on recent developments [...]

2010-02-05T11:40:05-05:00July 5, 1991|Real Women|


FABLE Mexico.  In 1985, Alan Riding wrote ‘Distant Neighbours: A Portrait of the Mexicans.  According to him, “140,000 Mexican women die yearly from illegal abortions, “a claim presented without documentation. FACT United Nations statistics and the World Health Organization [WHO] tell a different story.  Both sources report that the total number of deaths of Mexican women aged 15-44, from all causes is [...]

2010-02-05T11:38:53-05:00July 5, 1991|Issues|

Knights support aborting hospitals

John Devlin, school trustee and active member of the Knights of Columbus [KOC] in Stratford, Ontario, expressed his disgust when he heard that the Knights had once again overwhelmingly voted in favour of financially supporting hospitals that kill unborn babies. Convention At their annual Ontario State Convention held in Toronto, May 17-20, the Knights voted heavily for a resolution that read:  Be [...]

2010-02-05T11:37:30-05:00July 5, 1991|Abortion, Religion|

A pro-lifer in P.E.I.

Charlottetown.  What can a grade school drop-out do to promote strong Christian values in a community?  Quite a lot, if Ken Biso is any example. As soon as he understood what abortion was about, working to protect the unborn child became his most important volunteer activity. “Nature itself tells me this is a human being.  Nothing else.  Nothing less.  I have no [...]

2010-02-05T11:35:43-05:00July 5, 1991|Across Canada|

“A man in a hurry”

I have been asked to many questions regarding my return from Woodstock to Toronto that I decided the best thing was to write an explanation.   The questions have been, searching, interesting and sometimes amusing.  Here are a few examples: “Did you not like it there?” “Did they throw you out again?” “What are you going to do now?” The most amusing [...]

2010-02-05T11:33:25-05:00July 5, 1991|Religion|

South of the Border

  ‘Gay’ rights flower in Connecticut. The state legislature has passed a sweeping homosexual rights statute.  It criminalizes “discrimination” against homosexuals professional associations, landlords and business people; it gives extensive new  powers to a state commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, including the power to subpoena defendants’ “books and papers” (Sec. 22[10]); and it bans any “advertisement” that “ridicules or holds up [...]

2010-02-05T11:31:42-05:00July 5, 1991|News in Brief|

GEORGE GRANT vs. a silent P.P.

  George Grant has had his life threatened.  He wears a bullet-proof vest whenever he  is in public.  He tells the truth and the truth hurts. Mr. Grant does not mince words as he pins the blame for destroyed lives on the number one promoter of abortion and birth control in the world, Planned Parenthood. One would expect that his book Grand [...]

2010-02-05T11:29:40-05:00July 5, 1991|Abortion|

Saskatchewan REAL Women meet

The annual conference of REAL Women of Saskatchewan took place in Saskatoon on April 20. Conference participants heard talks by two distinguished women. Chantal Divine, wife of provincial Premier Grant Divine, said that the principles of REAL Women were very close to her heart because this organization “is the voice of thousands of women who believe in family values. The family is [...]

2010-02-05T11:27:28-05:00July 5, 1991|Real Women|

University feminists question gender abortion

A few weeks before the REAL Women conference was held, Ottawa’s St. Paul’s University was the site of a conference on reproductive technologies, sponsored by the Ottawa branch of the of the Canadian Federation of University Women. NO QUALMS Although St. Paul’s trains future Canadian Catholic priests, its administration seemed to have no qualms about allowing the university facilities to be used [...]

2010-02-05T11:26:08-05:00July 5, 1991|Abortion, Real Women|


CONDOM USE AND FAILURE The following letter to the editor appeared in the October 20, 1990 issue of Great Britain’s leading medical journal, The Lancet. I was surprised that in your Sept. 22 note “A good fit?” you reproduce the London Rubber Company’s statement that “most condom failure is due to incorrect usage”, without exercising the same critical evaluation that applies to [...]

2010-02-05T11:24:09-05:00July 5, 1991|World Briefs|
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