Monthly Archives: June 2016


Light is Right Joe Campbell He told me that we shouldn’t discuss politics because I’m on the right and he’s on the left. “I don’t enjoy talking with someone who’s on the wrong side of history,” he explained. “The wrong side?” I declared, taken aback. “You just acknowledged that I’m on the right.” “I’m on the right,” he replied, “because [...]

2016-07-02T07:03:01-04:00June 30, 2016|Joe Campbell|

CLC Ontario organizer Sandra Hook, RIP

Sandra Hook On May 17, Sandra Hook, died at the age of 57 following a battle with cancer. Born in Montreal, she had 12 siblings. For the past 20 years she was the Ontario organizer for Campaign Life Coalition working alongside the provincial president Mary Ellen Douglas. Douglas told The Interim, “Sandra was a very private person, so when she [...]

2016-07-02T07:00:31-04:00June 30, 2016|Pro-Life, Profiles|

Michaeline Bennet, RIP

Michaeline Bennet A long-time former advertising manager for The Interim, Michaeline Bennet, passed away suddenly on Feb. 13 at the age of 79 Bennet came to the paper in the early 1990s through her sister Lee Zern. When Bennet left in 1994, she was replaced in the position by her sister Marsha Hadley. Bennet and Hadley expanded the paper’s advertising [...]

2016-07-02T07:00:00-04:00June 30, 2016|Pro-Life|

Challenge to pro-life flag in Prince Albert

A Canadian pro-abortion group compared the pro-life movement to “racists” and “white supremacists” to get Prince Albert’s mayor to take down a pro-life flag, but could only wring from Mayor Greg Dionne the concession to consult the British Columbia Human Rights Commission over the dispute. Joyce Arthur, executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, sent Dionne and Prince Albert’s city [...]

2016-07-02T07:08:07-04:00June 29, 2016|Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

Pro-abortion protesters disrupt candlelight vigil

Members of a group calling themselves the “Proletarian Feminist Front” were arrested after they disrupted the peaceful Candlelight Virgil and clashed with the police. Every year the evening before the National March for Life, there is a Candlelight Vigil at the Canadian Human Rights Monument to remember the victims of abortion, and every year there are a handful of feminist and gay [...]

2016-07-02T07:04:46-04:00June 29, 2016|Abortion, March for Life|

Freedom of speech tradition pre-Charter

John Carpay The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is wrongly seen as the sole guarantor of freedom of expression.  In fact, Canada’s tradition of tolerance for free speech dates back to 17th century England.  In the 18th century, British politician and philanthropist William Wilberforce exercised his freedom of expression to turn public opinion against the slave trade.  The right of Canadians to offend [...]

2016-06-27T12:01:24-04:00June 27, 2016|Politics, Society & Culture|

Abetting suicide

National Affairs Rory Leishman For nearly 50 years now, Canadians have lived with a perverse legal regime that allows some hospital-based physicians to engage in the mass slaughter of perfectly healthy babies in the womb, while mandating other physicians in these same hospitals to do whatever they can to save the lives of the frailest and most vulnerable of human [...]

2016-06-27T11:54:00-04:00June 27, 2016|Assisted Suicide, Rory Leishman|

Convention proves importance of engagement

There was cause for both celebration and disappointment at the Conservative convention last month in Vancouver when approximately 2500 party members gathered to debate policy for the party as it prepares for the 2019 federal election. There were victories in both the breakout sessions and the plenary meeting: a proposal to support euthanasia was unmercifully killed in the policy session and proposals [...]

2016-06-27T11:51:18-04:00June 27, 2016|Editorials, Politics|

Canadians march for life from sea to sea

Uniting with the estimated 22,000 pro-life advocates who marched in Campaign Life Coalition’s Ottawa March for Life on May 12 – to mark May 14, 1969, the day Pierre Trudeau’s Liberal government legalized abortion – pro-life Canadians held similar marches in provinces across the nation. Newfoundland and Labrador The March for Life “is truly a national event from sea to sea,” noted [...]

2016-06-27T11:48:40-04:00June 27, 2016|March for Life, Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

Government introduces transgender bill

On May 16, whilst celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his government would introduce new “transgender rights” legislation, Bill C-16. This bill would enlarge the Criminal Code’s hate speech laws to include gender identity and expression, and make it illegal to bar a person from employment on these bases. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, who [...]

2016-07-02T07:10:30-04:00June 27, 2016|Human rights, Politics|

Facebook and politics

Amusements Rick McGinnis Facebook was launched a dozen years ago as a place for Ivy League college students to connect online and answer burning collegiate questions like “Who’s hot and who’s not?” But even before they made a movie about it, Facebook had gone from being an online distraction only potentially more interesting than World of Warcraft into something between [...]

2016-06-27T12:11:11-04:00June 26, 2016|Politics, Rick McGinnis|

Trudeau limits debate in order to ram through C-14

Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party railed against the Harper government for hiding from debate in the House of Commons and resorting to procedural trickery to ram through the Conservative agenda. Yet now that Trudeau holds the reins of power, he is quick to cut short debate on the most important topic in a generation being debated in Parliament: euthanasia and assisted-suicide [...]

2016-06-23T05:17:30-04:00June 23, 2016|Assisted Suicide, Editorials, Euthanasia|

‘Uju’ rallies pro-lifers on the Hill

Obianuju Ekeocha, founder and president of Culture of Life Africa, tells the crowd to stand up for universal truth. African pro-life leader Obianuju Ekeocha urged Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government not to “export abortion” to developing countries and she told the throng of pro-lifers on Parliament Hill that she stood with them in their fight to protect the unborn. Speaking before [...]

2016-06-23T05:13:15-04:00June 23, 2016|Announcements, Features, March for Life, Pro-Life|

22,000 take part in National March for Life

Media downplayed the massive annual pro-life demonstration in the nation’s capital, counter-protesters attempted to “end the March for Life,” and police re-routed the march through the streets of Ottawa to prevent a clash with a small group of pro-abortion activists , but organizers and 22,000 participants are pleased with the National March for Life, inspired by the messages of hope from religious [...]

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