Monthly Archives: May 2017

Trudeau demands end to funding pro-life summer internships

Justin Trudeau Justin Trudeau’s government announced last month that it won’t allow Liberal MPs to approve 2017 summer job funding for pro-life organizations after the story broke that Liberal MP Iqra Khalid did just that last year. iPolitics reported April 12 that Khalid, a rookie MP for the riding of Mississauga-Erin Mills, approved more than $56,000 in Canada Summer Jobs [...]

2017-05-24T10:27:12-04:00May 26, 2017|Announcements, Features, Politics|

Bits & Pieces

Canada The CBC reported that there have been at least 1324 euthanasia deaths since Quebec legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide on Dec. 10, 2015 and the federal government legalized the practices on June 17, 2016. Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition said the number is certainly higher because the data from Quebec, British Columbia and New Brunswick was not up-to-date and [...]

2017-05-24T10:20:52-04:00May 26, 2017|Bits n' Pieces|

Gorsuch approved for Supreme Court

The US Senate confirmed Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court a 54 to 45 vote on April 7. President Donald Trump nominated Gorsuch to the top court in January and the judge was opposed by pro-abortion groups. Three Democrats joined the Republicans in voting to confirm Gorsuch: Joe Donnelly (Indiana), Joe Manchin (West Virginia) and Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota). A coalition [...]

2017-05-24T10:21:32-04:00May 26, 2017|Politics|

Modern brownshirts are taking over Canada’s universities

Patrick Deane Patrick Deane, president of McMaster University in Hamilton, has joined other Canadian university presidents in silencing the debate of controversial ideas on campus. University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson was invited to speak at McMaster on March 17, about freedom of speech and political correctness. Peterson has gained national – and even international – notoriety for his [...]

2017-05-22T17:10:29-04:00May 22, 2017|John Carpay, Sex Education, Society & Culture|

Clashing symbols

Light is Right Joe Campbell I was surprised to learn that Canada has no official bird, fish, flower, fruit or mineral. Officially, our nation has only three: the maple tree, the beaver and the Canadian horse. Even Prince Edward Island, our smallest province, has four. The other provinces and territories have from three to eleven each. Nationally, the paucity of [...]

2017-05-22T16:59:22-04:00May 22, 2017|Joe Campbell, Society & Culture|

Dismaying Dutch disregard for life

Rory Leishman National Affairs How could the Netherlands, a country which heroically resisted the Nazi euthanasia program during the Second World War, now embrace one of the most extensive regimes of legalized euthanasia in the Western world? Most people in the Netherlands would resent such a question: They insist that there is no moral equivalence between the current Dutch model [...]

2017-05-18T12:07:23-04:00May 18, 2017|Announcements, Euthanasia, Features, Issues, Rory Leishman|

The cultured life

Culture is one of those words – like marriage, society, science, family and gender - that we use a lot these days. And like those words, if you stopped the argument where it’s being used, it’s unlikely that everyone using it would share the same definition. I’m sure this has been the case for at least a generation now, but I’ve slowly [...]

Ontario Bill 84 has no protection for conscience rights

Last month, a number of legal, medical, and civil rights lobby groups appeared before an Ontario legislative committee in an attempt to persuade legislators to amend Bill 84 to protect the conscience rights of doctors and other medical professionals who refuse to participate in “medical assistance in dying” (MAID). The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs heard submissions by the Catholic [...]

2017-05-07T19:46:07-04:00May 7, 2017|Conscience Legislation, Human rights|

Queen’s Park hearings on euthanasia

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition shunned by committee Alex Schadenberg The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, the largest international anti-euthanasia group, was refused a request to provide an oral presentation to the Liberal-dominated Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs at Queen’s Park. The committee is studying Bill 84, which will govern the implementation of doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Ontario after the federal [...]

2017-05-07T19:37:46-04:00May 7, 2017|Activism, Euthanasia|

Left-wing social agenda rejected at UN

Trudeau government at odds with global community Every March and April, thousands of women’s rights activists, feminists, and abortion supporters flock to the United Nations New York headquarters to take part in -- and influence -- two annual conferences on social and economic policies. The 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which took place March 13-24 and the 50th Commission [...]

2017-05-07T19:38:11-04:00May 7, 2017|Abortion, Announcements, Features, Society & Culture|

Abortion pill okayed for public funding

CLC's Joanne Brownrigg criticizes agency examination of Mifegymiso. On April 20, the Common Drug Review recommended that provincial and territorial governments cover the cost for the abortion drug Mifegymiso, which abortion groups claim is both the “gold standard” for reproductive health services and cheaper than surgical abortions. Most provincial governments will not fund drug regimens until the CDR gives its [...]

2017-05-17T05:54:26-04:00May 7, 2017|Abortion|

CHP contests BC election

The Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia is running five candidates in the provincial campaign. BC is the only provincial wing of the party. CHP-BC leader Rod Taylor said there was a need for a provincial party because, “it is important that men and women of Christian conviction: pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-free speech and pro-fiscal sanity—stand up together to raise the standard [...]

2017-05-05T12:00:13-04:00May 5, 2017|Politics|

Q&A with Dr. Scott Masson

Dr. Scott Masson Dr. Scott Masson is an associate professor of English at Tyndale University College in Toronto.  He was the founding chairman of the Westminster Classical Christian Academy. His articles and commentary have been published in numerous journals, newspapers and magazines. Dr. Masson will soon be launching a news aggregator website at He is a husband and father of two. Campaign [...]

More to the left – more to the right

One can look at the New Democratic Party (NDP) in Canada – and its precursor, the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) – to highlight the differences between the so-called Old Left, and the new left-liberal consensus. In the May 2, 2011, federal election in Canada, the New Democratic Party – Canada’s social democratic party – had won 103 seats, thus displacing the Liberal [...]

2017-05-02T07:51:33-04:00May 1, 2017|Soconvivium|
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