
Family in dark times

While the continuing COVID-crisis has been painful and alarming in equal parts, it has been clarifying, too. Never before in the living memory of most Canadians have the power and the meaning of our most primal bonds been felt so strongly or understood as clearly. In dark times, the real lights of our lives that are dimmed by daily familiarity glow which [...]

2021-03-09T14:34:07-05:00March 9, 2021|Editorials|

COVID’s paradoxes and contradictions

A year ago, a news story from the “World” section of the newspaper—reports about an outbreak of viral pneumonia in a Chinese city—became the world’s permanent headline for the rest of the year; twelve months later, we are still in its throes. While we all look forward to the day when we can take stock of the COVID-19 crisis as a thing [...]

2021-03-09T14:05:54-05:00March 9, 2021|Editorials|

From the Editor’s Desk

I saw online that Kathy Shaidle passed away on Jan. 9, after a long battle with cancer. She wrote her own obituary, which appeared on her blog Five Feet of Fury and that of her partner Arnie’s, Blazing Cat Fur. In it she wrote: “Contrary to cliche, Kathy did not conduct herself with particular ‘grace,’ ‘dignity’ or ‘courage’ in her final months. She [...]

2021-02-10T12:30:16-05:00February 6, 2021|Editorials, Paul Tuns|

No evil means

No good comes from rioting. When groups become crowds, and crowds become mobs, otherwise lawful citizens are prone to confusion, agitation, and manipulation. Acts that no citizen would think to perform on his own, and crimes that an individual wouldn’t dare to commit: these are the rule rather than the exception amidst the social contagion of mass gatherings. Such pressure and influence [...]

2021-02-11T13:00:08-05:00February 4, 2021|Editorials, Politics|

The population balm

Paul Tuns, Editor of The Interim Newspaper By Paul Tuns A parable of Saint Matthew’s Gospel describes a master who, before going on a journey, entrusts his property to three servants. Their charge is not a light one. They have, after all, been entrusted with the wealth — the very substance — of their lord. The talents imparted to them [...]

2020-12-05T12:58:36-05:00November 26, 2020|Announcements, Editorials, Paul Tuns, Population|


G.K Chesterton said, “When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?” As always, there is much wisdom in Chesterton’s words which help remind us to appreciate that we are fortunate to be God’s hands and feet on Earth in the work [...]

2020-11-19T10:14:52-05:00October 7, 2020|Editorials|

Keep America

In 1994, the United States of America was enjoying peace and prosperity. The Cold War was over, the economy was thriving, and the third-youngest president in the country’s history had recently been elected; he and his centrist policies enjoyed popular support. And yet, even as the good times were rolling, a 5-foot-tall Albanian religious sister offered this country a dire warning and [...]

2020-12-06T16:20:12-05:00October 1, 2020|Abortion, Announcements, Editorials, Politics|

Now What?

After what seemed like an eternity – both the seven-month campaign and the six-hour wait for the results to be announced on August 23 – the outcome of the Conservative leadership campaign should not have been a surprise, even if some of us were. The “natural” strengths of Peter MacKay never materialized as he did not win Quebec as expected, his victories [...]


As I have noted in previous issues, we are putting this paper together remotely, from our homes. Since I returned from a brief vacation to the U.S. in early March, I’ve been in quarantine with my family. A few days after we returned, the country underwent quarantine to battle the spread of the coronavirus. The fact is, I probably prefer working from [...]

2020-07-10T08:12:36-04:00July 10, 2020|Editorials, Issues, Society & Culture|

A fractured universalism

The pandemic lockdowns had not been lifted before riots broke out across America, unrest which then spread throughout the Western world. Sparked by the stomach-churning video of a black man being suffocated by a white cop, the fires of outrage which led to these riots have since cooled, and have now become smoldering piles of suspicion. In corporate, academic, political, and celebrity [...]

2020-07-06T08:38:00-04:00July 6, 2020|Announcements, Editorials, Features, Society & Culture|

Prevention and promotion?

It is madness, if you will excuse the expression, to extend Canada’s already-permissive euthanasia/assisted suicide regime to the mentally ill. As we have recently reported in these pages, the Trudeau government’s Bill C-7 eliminates what modest restrictions existed in their 2016 euthanasia law, including that death be imminent. While claiming that C-7 does not allow mental illness as a reason to access [...]

Your support is appreciated

I want to start this column by thanking you. Many readers responded to my last From the Editor’s Desk column with kind words about how much they appreciate The Interimand how much they enjoyed receiving it last month. We believe that this paper does good and important work both educating and inspiring readers to action on life and family issues. But it [...]

2020-05-07T10:08:10-04:00May 7, 2020|Editorials, Society & Culture|

Infanticide in an emergency

During the difficult days of this pandemic, spare a thought for the writers of pro-abortion press releases – theirs is no easy task. On March 20, two prominent abortion advocacy groups, the National Abortion Federation and Action Canada, joined “their voices to make sure that abortion care remains available in Canada during this time of crisis.” In this statement “on essential abortion [...]

2020-05-07T10:03:44-04:00May 7, 2020|Editorials, Infanticide|

Global push to declare abortion essential

In the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, hospitals began prioritizing care and governments began placing limits on non-essential services, but in many jurisdictions, abortion was deemed essential. In the United States, some states such as Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas sought to restrict or ban abortion during the pandemic, arguing that medical supplies should be saved for frontline health care [...]

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