Abortion Law

50 years of abortion in Canada

The Day of Infamy and Canada’s enduring shame The first National March for Life in Ottawa in 1998 was organized around the theme, “a day of infamy,” as it marked the day that abortion-on-demand became legal in Canada. About 700 people attended to bear witness against the injustice of abortion unleashed by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his Omnibus Bill passed on [...]

Ireland legalizes abortion

Irish pro-lifers erected 1,000 white crosses at Arms an Áras an Uachtar Uachtaráin, the presidential mansion in memory of the children's lives that will never be. (photo Life institute) In May, two-thirds of Irish voters approved of scrapping Ireland’s pro-life constitutional amendment, clearing the way for the legalization of abortion in one of the last western countries to resist enacting [...]

2019-01-25T16:17:09-05:00January 25, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law|

Unfit to print

On Sunday, Sept. 30, a peaceful pro-life protest was the occasion of an unprovoked assault. After defacing both the signs and the clothing of participants at a LifeChain intersection in Toronto, a man, later identified as Jordan Hunt, was confronted about his acts of outright vandalism and assault by pro-life activist and Campaign Life Coalition Youth Coordinator, Marie-Claire Bissonnette. The brief conversation [...]

2018-11-23T10:37:43-05:00November 23, 2018|Abortion, Abortion Law, Editorials, LifeChain, Youth Activism|

B.C. voters should oppose proportional representation

  British Columbians will vote by mail in a referendum on what voting system the province should use for its elections. The referendum is being held by mail from Oct. 22 to Nov. 30. All B.C. residents over the age of 18 can vote in the referendum. This is the third time provincial voters will have their say on electoral reform, having [...]

Irish vote to repeal pro-life constitutional amendment

Ireland's Leo Valadkar said the country will have legal abortion by end of 2018. On May 25, two-thirds of Irish voters approved in a referendum repealing the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution which outlawed abortion on the Emerald Island. The Oireachtas (the Irish parliament) will vote by the end of the year on a proposed law legalizing abortion-on-demand in the [...]

2018-07-18T09:16:54-04:00July 18, 2018|Abortion, Abortion Law, Politics|

Conservative MP calls out PM on abortion: “it is not a right”

Conservative MP Ted Falk shouted out that abortion "is not a right" during Question Period in the House of Commons. On May 9, Ted Falk, a pro-life Conservative MP from Provencher, raised a stir in the House of Commons about abortion when he shouted at the Prime Minister that it is “not a right.” It set off a fury of [...]

2018-06-05T07:46:04-04:00June 5, 2018|Abortion Law, Announcements, Features, Politics|

CLC protests bubble zone

On Feb. 1, the first day that the Safe Access to Abortion law came into effect in Ontario, 40 pro-life supporters in Ottawa called for the bubble zone law to be repealed. Demonstrating outside the 50-meter bubble zone surrounding the Morgentaler abortuary on Bank Street in the nation’s capital, the pro-life advocates carried signs calling attention to the restricted free speech zone: [...]

2018-03-31T15:38:22-04:00March 31, 2018|Abortion, Abortion Law, Bubble Zone|

70-year-old man first to be arrested under bubble zone law

Cyril Winters being arrested on Feb. 7 for allegedly breaking the Safe Access for Abortion Services Act. A longtime pro-life advocate has become the first person arrested under Ontario’s new bubble zone law that outlaws pro-life speech outside abortion centres. Cyril Winter, 70, was first arrested Feb. 7 and then again two days later in front of the Morgentaler abortion [...]

2018-03-31T15:29:29-04:00March 31, 2018|Abortion Law, Activism, Pro-Life|

Ontario bubble zones come into force Feb. 1

In December, Ontario Attorney General Yasir Navqi’s office notified Campaign Life Coalition and other pro-life groups that the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017, would come into effect on Feb. 1. The law, passed in October, establishes a minimum bubble zone prohibiting pro-life speech and assembly within 50 meters of the property of eight existing free-standing abortion facilities and 150 meters [...]

2018-02-23T11:10:55-05:00February 23, 2018|Abortion Law, Human rights, Politics, Society & Culture|

Pro-life leader tells Trudeau to stop lying about abortion

CLC national president Jim Hughes corrects prime minister for insisting abortion is a Charter right. Jim Hughes, national president of Campaign Life Coalition, wrote an open letter to Justin Trudeau asking the Prime Minister to stop saying abortion is a Charter right. Hughes writes, “It is unbecoming for the Prime Minister of Canada today to deliberately utter a falsehood and [...]

2017-11-06T08:44:51-05:00November 6, 2017|Abortion, Abortion Law, Activism, Politics, Pro-Life|

40 Days for Life organizer vs. Bill 163

Editor’s Note: Genevieve Carson, coordinator of Mississauga 40 Days for Life, read the following statement before the standing committee on general government on Oct. 20 during hearings on Bill 163, An Act to enact the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017. Genevieve Carson of Mississauga 40 Days for Life speaks to committee on Liberal bill banning pro-life witness at abortion [...]

2017-11-03T10:45:36-04:00November 3, 2017|Abortion Law, Activism, Politics, Pro-Life|

Ontario legislates anti-free speech bubble zone

Ontario enacts bubble zone law. Last month all three official parties joined forces to swiftly pass Bill 163, the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017, stifling the free speech, expression, and assembly rights of pro-lifers. The law, passed on Oct. 25, creates a bubble zone around abortion facilities of at least 50 meters -- and as much 150 meters [...]

Bill 163 committee hearing

Silent No More, midwives, and a city councilor among presenters On Oct. 19, 17 stakeholders and other interested parties made presentations to the standing committee on general government to speak for or against Bill 163, the  Protecting a Woman’s Right to Access Abortion Services Act, 2017, which was introduced by the provincial Attorney General two weeks earlier and was being fast-tracked to [...]

2017-11-03T10:49:30-04:00November 3, 2017|Abortion Law, Activism, Human rights, Politics, Pro-Life|

Bill to defund Planned Parenthood, replace Obamacare appears doomed

The “reconciliation” process that would have allowed Republicans to eliminate Obamacare’s forced abortion coverage mandate and $500 million tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood ends Sept. 30. The GOP has failed to secure majority support in the U.S. Senate after Sen. Susan Collins of Maine effectively killed the bill when she announced her opposition Sept. 25. The bill, which President Donald Trump [...]

2017-10-24T09:17:17-04:00October 28, 2017|Abortion Law, Issues, Planned Parenthood, Politics|

Nova Scotia to look at easing abortion access

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke The Canadian Press recently highlighted the story of a single Nova Scotia woman who was enraged with having to undergo several blood tests and an ultra sound before being referred for a surgical abortion. In this women’s case, the process to obtain her abortion took about two months. Abortion advocates say Nova Scotia is the only [...]

2017-10-24T08:50:46-04:00September 7, 2017|Abortion, Abortion Law, Columnist|
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