Bubble Zone

Endangered preborn

The World Wildlife Fund released its annual “Living Planet Report” subtitled “A system in peril.” The report states that “nature is being lost – with huge implications for us all,” asserting “biodiversity sustains human life and underpins our society.” We cannot help but wonder why there are no international organizations or agencies releasing similar reports decrying the systemic extermination of preborn children [...]

Manitoba legislature rejects bubble zone

Paul Tuns The Manitoba Progressive Conservative caucus voted against a private member’s bill that would have created an anti-free speech zone around all facilities that committed abortions in the province. Bill 207, The Abortion Protest Buffer Zone Act, was defeated 30-20 with the NDP and Liberal MLAs voting for the bill, on the last day of the fall legislative session. NDP MLA [...]

2021-11-03T12:10:12-04:00November 3, 2021|Bubble Zone, Paul Tuns|

Saskatchewan NDP introduce bubble zone bill

Interim Staff On May 12, NDP MLA Jennifer Bowes (Saskatoon University) introduced a private member’s bill, An Act to Provide Safe Access to Abortion Services, which, if passed, would create anti-free speech bubble zones of up to 150 meters around facilities that commit abortion in the province of Saskatchewan. Bowes said a law is necessary to prevent harassment and intimidation of women [...]

2021-06-17T12:38:50-04:00June 17, 2021|Abortion, Bubble Zone|

Calgary to restrict ‘advocacy messaging’ near schools

Calgary city council is considering banning advocacy displays near schools after a council committee approved the proposed bylaw on Sept. 9. The new rules, if passed, would prohibit any signs larger than a postcard (5 inches by 3.5 inches) that express an opinion on any issue or cause within 150 metres of a school, although the bylaw would not apply to school [...]

2020-11-19T10:14:52-05:00October 7, 2020|Bubble Zone, Politics|

Unplanned success in Canada

Abby Johnson (left) talks with the actress Ashley Bratcher who played Johnson in Unplanned, on the set of the movie. When Unplanned, the story of abortion-worker-turned-pro-life-activist Abby Johnson,premiered in March in the U.S., Canadians were left wondering when they would be allowed to see the movie. Some pro-lifers organized boycotts and petitions of theatre chains that refused to bring the [...]

Bubble zone defeated in Manitoba

The Progressive Conservative majority defeated a private member’s bill that would have established anti-free speech bubble zones around Manitoba abortion facilities and pharmacies that dispensed the abortion pill. NDP MLA Nahanni Fontaine (St. Johns) tabled Bill 200, Safe Access to Abortion Services, that would have established bubble zones of 150 meters around facilities where abortions take place, outlawing any pro-lifer from “inform(ing) [...]

2019-01-14T06:26:10-05:00January 14, 2019|Bubble Zone, Politics|

Fr. Van Hee challenges bubble zone law

Fr. Tony Van Hee, who was arrested Oct. 24 for violating Ontario’s anti-free speech bubble zone around abortion facilities, is mounting a constitutional challenge of the law. The Ontario bubble zone law, the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, prohibits pro-life demonstrations and communications within at least 50 metres of abortion facilities in the province – abortuaries can petition for larger exclusion [...]

2019-01-14T06:27:59-05:00January 14, 2019|Bubble Zone, Politics, Pro-Life, Society & Culture|

On bubble zones

Since last December, patrons of a Toronto institution have been harassed as they enter. The sidewalk outside is regularly picketed by protesters shouting “Murderer!” and “You’ve got blood on your hands!” at those within, many of whom are visibly rattled by the ordeal. The owners of this institution regularly call the police, but the right to assembly of these protesters is clearly [...]

2018-05-14T13:17:49-04:00May 10, 2018|Bubble Zone, Editorials, Politics|

Alberta NDP introduces bubble zone bill

Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman says a bubble zone is necessary to protect abortion-minded women. Rachel Notley’s NDP government in Alberta has introduced Bill 9, which, if passed, will ban pro-life witnessing outside the province’s two abortuaries: the Women’s Health Options in Edmonton and Kensington in Calgary. Bill 9, the “Protecting Choice for Women Accessing Health Care Act,” was tabled [...]

2018-05-14T13:19:18-04:00May 8, 2018|Abortion, Bubble Zone, Politics|

Cyril Winter, RIP

First person arrested under Ontario’s bubble zone law dies Cy Winter, the first Ontarian charged under the province's new bubble zone law, passed away. Cyril Winter, 70, passed away March 9 at the Ottawa Heart Center following complications from stenting surgery to fix several coronary arteries. Hours before he passed away, Winter wrote on Facebook: “Stent day but no guarantee [...]

CLC protests bubble zone

On Feb. 1, the first day that the Safe Access to Abortion law came into effect in Ontario, 40 pro-life supporters in Ottawa called for the bubble zone law to be repealed. Demonstrating outside the 50-meter bubble zone surrounding the Morgentaler abortuary on Bank Street in the nation’s capital, the pro-life advocates carried signs calling attention to the restricted free speech zone: [...]

2018-03-31T15:38:22-04:00March 31, 2018|Abortion, Abortion Law, Bubble Zone|

CLC advice regarding bubble zones

Editor’s Note: On Feb. 1, Campaign Life Coalition issued an advisory for pro-life advocates regarding the Safe Access for Abortion Services Act.. The totalitarian bubble zone law is in force as of today, Feb. 1. Here are five things you should know and do: All eight private abortion facilities in Ontario have an automatic 50 metre bubble zone. We encourage you to [...]

2018-03-31T15:38:48-04:00March 31, 2018|Bubble Zone, Issues|
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