Across Canada

Across Canada

Estrogen in waterways affecting fish development and reproduction KENORA, Ont. – A recent study in a northwestern Ontario lake has proven that just small amounts of estrogen added to a freshwater lake can have severe effects on fish development. The study was led by Dr. Karen Kidd, fish scientist and biology professor at the University of New Brunswick. Small amounts of estrogen were [...]

2010-05-03T13:43:18-04:00July 3, 2007|Across Canada|

Across Canada

McGuinty ignores own Catholicism TORONTO – Toronto Sun columnist Christina Blizzard asked Ontario Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty about Pope Benedict XVI’s recent comments in Latin America. They upheld Catholic teaching with regard to the responsibility of Catholic legislators to protect the sanctity of human life and uphold the traditional family. When they don’t, it is correct to ex-communicate them, said the Pope. McGuinty [...]

2010-04-30T09:05:39-04:00June 30, 2007|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Conscience rights denied by court OTTAWA – The Federal Court has ruled that a Public Service Alliance of Canada member does not have the right to divert her dues because of the union’s strong support for same-sex “marriage.” Susan Comstock, a devout Catholic and senior public servant in Toronto, argued her freedom of religion and freedom of conscience rights were violated by [...]

2010-04-23T09:33:45-04:00May 23, 2007|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Christian marriage commissioner faces rights tribunal REGINA – In response to a complaint made against him before the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal, Orville Nichols, a marriage commissioner in that province, has said his faith “takes first place” in his life and therefore, he cannot in good conscience officiate over the “marriage” for two homosexual men. He added: “I couldn’t sleep or live [...]

2010-01-27T16:10:25-05:00March 27, 2007|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Marriage rates at record low OTTAWA – Statistics Canada reports that the marriage rate has plateaued, with just 653 more couples getting married in 2003 compared to 2002, for a total of 147,391 marriages. The marriage rate stayed at its record low of 4.7 marriages for every 1,000 people – less than half the rate in the 1940s, when it reached a [...]

2010-01-20T06:29:35-05:00February 20, 2007|Across Canada, News Bits|

Across Canada

Poll shows pro-life support VANCOUVER – An Environics polls commissioned by Life Canada found that 64 per cent of Canadians support protecting unborn life at some point before birth, with 31 per cent supporting protection from the moment of conception, up from 60 per cent according to a similar poll last year and up from 56 per cent in 2002. The poll [...]

2010-08-18T14:18:58-04:00December 18, 2006|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Co-motherhood recognized TORONTO – The Ontario Supreme Court recently changed it’s definition of biological parenthood to allow lesbian “couples” with children as a result of artificial insemination to be registered as “parents.” This move was made in reaction to a previous system, which apparently targeted and ostracized this kind of parenthood in the eyes of society. Since this ruling, the live birth [...]

2010-08-20T11:26:51-04:00July 20, 2006|Across Canada, Issues|

Across Canada

$700 million lawsuit over Depo-Provera TORONTO – Pharmaceutical firm Pfizer Inc., manufacturer of the birth control medication Depo-Provera, has been hit with a $700 million class-action lawsuit by Canadian young women alleging the drug caused the onset of early osteoporosis. The suit also alleges Pfizer failed to adequately warn physicians to conduct bone density tests on the drug’s users. Pfizer said it [...]

2010-08-16T07:54:20-04:00January 16, 2006|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Quebec eliminates religious instruction in schools QUEBEC CITY – Quebec lawmakers have quietly passed Bill 95, a law that effectively eliminates all religious instruction from public schools in the province. Religious education is to be replaced in 2008 by a course in “ethics” or “religious culture,” if desired. Education Minister Jean-Marc Fournier introduced Bill 95 in May, claiming it would meet “the [...]

2010-08-03T08:06:07-04:00October 3, 2005|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Bishop Henry continues defense of marriage CALGARY – Writing in the Calgary Sun, Roman Catholic Bishop Fred Henry quoted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states, “The family is the natural and fundamental group unity of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state,” before noting: “The state has no authority to alter the fundamental meaning of marriage [...]

2010-07-30T13:08:34-04:00September 30, 2005|Across Canada|

Across Canada

New Westminster defies Anglican primates VANCOUVER — Although top Anglican leaders in February had requested there be a complete moratorium on same-sex blessings worldwide across the Anglican Communion, the Synod of New Westminster has not complied, and voted on May 14 for only a partial moratorium. The Synod adopted a report recommending that same-sex blessings be allowed to continue in seven parishes [...]

2010-07-30T08:00:12-04:00June 30, 2005|Across Canada|


Archbishop Exner worries about future of Canada OTTAWA - Speaking at the Priests for Life annual symposium, Archbishop Adam Exner, retired Catholic archbishop of Vancouver, said, "I am becoming more and more worried about the state of freedom in our country." Exner warned that growing judicial activism in Canada is changing laws and institutions beyond the restraint of democratic process. "Same-sex marriages [...]

2010-08-09T14:35:16-04:00November 9, 2004|Across Canada|

Across Canada

Robinson slapped on wrist for jewelry heist BURNABY, B.C. - Homosexual activist and former MP Svend Robinson pleaded guilty to theft over $5,000, ending the legal ordeal that began on Good Friday when the openly gay MP stole a $64,500 ring for his partner. Judge Ron Fratkin sentenced Robinson to 100 hours of community service, but he received no fine or jail [...]

2010-08-09T07:54:36-04:00September 9, 2004|Across Canada|

Bits ‘n’ Pieces

United States Rep. Mark Souder (R, Ind.) and former Congressman Tom Coburn (R, Okla.) send letters to the federal Centres for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration urging them to put medically accurate warnings on condoms. In 2001, a CDC study found "there was no ... evidence that condom use reduces the risk" of infection for human papillomavirus, the cause [...]

2010-08-30T13:55:56-04:00October 30, 2003|Across Canada, Bits n' Pieces, US Briefs, World Briefs|

Bits ‘n’ Pieces

U.S. politics Pro-abortion and population control proponent billionare George Soros is funding a new political action group, America Coming Together, to oppose President George W. Bush and numerous pro-life senatorial and congressional candidates. The anticipated $75 million fund was set up with a $10 million donation from Soros and will be headed by Ellen Malcolm, president of EMILY's List, a pro-abortion political action committee. [...]

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