Crisis pregnancy centres

Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone …

“We would appreciate your discretion in not publicizing our project or this survey.” So states the letter sent out in March announcing the “Crisis Pregnancy Centres” Project, courtesy of the Pro-Choice Action Network’s Joyce Arthur. I received my copy from one of the “sisters” it was addressed to, so I thought I would mention it to you in confidence. CPC’s around Canada [...]

2010-07-30T08:40:04-04:00June 30, 2005|Columnist, Crisis pregnancy centres|

Good News Corner: Not just coincidences

One lovely day last June, Vern, a summer counsellor at Toronto's downtown Aid to Women office, decided "to rollerblade" his way back to the Campaign Life Coalition office, a half hour away. It was a good decision, because as it turned out, he helped two teenagers change their minds about abortion. As he approached an abortuary located on his route to the [...]

2010-08-26T14:20:46-04:00February 26, 2005|Abortion, Activism, Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life|

Anti-life UNICEF vying to get back into Toronto Catholic schools

UNICEF, which supports pro-abortion and other anti-life projects, has once again tried to shoehorn its way into the Toronto Catholic District school board, Canada's largest Catholic school board. In UNICEF'S corner is Catholics for a Free Choice, a minuscule but well-financed organization funded by the Packard Foundation and others to the tune of $600,000. On a vote of five to three at [...]

2010-08-26T12:56:36-04:00December 26, 2002|Activism, Crisis pregnancy centres|

New Quebec pregnancy counselling center to open

A Christian drop-in centre in Chateauguay Que., on the south shore of Montreal, will soon become home to a crisis pregnancy counselling service called Options. In 2001, a donor in New Brunswick offered money to establish a Christian Association of Pregnancy Support Services centre in Quebec, if they could find somebody interested in opening one. After two information meetings, Teddy and Linda [...]

2010-08-04T13:38:59-04:00July 4, 2002|Crisis pregnancy centres|

A car is ‘integral’ to helping women

An automobile is vital to the work of Aid to Women, because it enables it to carry out the promises made to women considering abortion. Robert, an Aid to Women counsellor, told The Interim that many women choose not have an abortion when they realize there are people willing and able to help them. Aid to Women offers cribs and strollers and [...]

2010-07-20T09:15:49-04:00September 20, 2001|Crisis pregnancy centres|

Deception 101

It has all the trappings of a deliberate, calculated set-up. I'm talking, of course, about the recent CTV W-Five television program dealing with pro-life crisis pregnancy centres (CPCs). You know the program. W-Five are the slobs who, many years ago, televised a Henry Morgentaler abortion on Mother's Day. Brave buffoonery at its finest. W-Five used a hidden camera and went in on false pretenses, [...]

2010-07-29T07:31:02-04:00December 29, 2000|Abortion, Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life, Television Shows|

W-5 expose of CPC’s was biased and unfair

CTV newsmagazine's allegations of deception and manipulation are without foundation By Tony Gosgnach The Interim One building houses a volunteer-driven crisis pregnancy centre, where mothers-to-be are given counselling and as many resources as possible in support of bringing their babies to birth. Right next door is an abortuary, in which preborn humans of five months gestation are regularly killed. Guess which of [...]

2010-07-28T13:47:36-04:00December 28, 2000|Abortion Law, Crisis pregnancy centres, Motherhood|

New Saskatoon crisis pregnancy centre opens

Real Choices for Women and Children shares space with several pro-life organizations By Linda Wegner The Interim It took three years of planning, two years of fundraising, the cooperation of several organizations and many hours of training and preparation, but on November 6, 2000, a site housing the Campaign Life Coalition office, the Canadian Survivors of Abortion office and the Saskatoon Crisis [...]

2010-08-27T14:37:00-04:00December 28, 2000|Abortion, Crisis pregnancy centres, Motherhood, Pro-Life|

Veteran pro-lifer has learned “God’s help will prevail’

By Grace Petrasek The Interim The outside of the building needs a facelift and the inside needs fixing, but now Fredericton has a much needed crisis pregnancy center. Located next door to the well-appointed downtown abortuary, in the area that encompasses a Catholic church, a public school and gathering places for many of the city's 5,000 university students, the new Mother and [...]

2010-08-27T14:38:10-04:00December 28, 2000|Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Rosalie Hall scholarships help young mothers

Program enables women to choose life and continue their education By Mike Mastromatteo The Interim The Rosalie Hall Foundation has added scholarships to its range of services to young women in crisis pregnancies. The scholarships, eligible to up to 10 high-achieving graduates of the Rosalie Hall secondary school program, enable young mothers to continue their education at the college or university level. [...]

2010-08-27T14:24:16-04:00November 28, 2000|Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups|

Sometimes crazy people save babies

By Grace Petrasek The Interim Recently, Robert Hinchey, co-counsellor with Joanne Dieleman at Toronto's Aid to Women, was chatting with a couple headed for the abortuary located next door. As they spoke, an abortuary employee darted from within and screamed, "Don't listen to him. He's crazy. They're all crazy up there. He's crazy. Don't listen to him." Later, while reflecting on this [...]

2010-07-28T09:23:14-04:00November 28, 2000|Abortion, Activism, Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Lutherans for Life initiates new crisis centre

Ontario's Renfrew County may soon have a crisis pregnancy centre, thanks to the momentum created by the 15th annual Pembroke and Area Lutherans for Life conference last October. A statement of faith has been developed that all the major Christian denominations in the area were able to approve, and a 12-member steering committee is being set up to oversee the organization of [...]

2010-07-16T08:25:44-04:00March 16, 1999|Crisis pregnancy centres|


Edmonton Pregnancy Crisis Centre very successful The Edmonton Pregnancy Crisis Centre, run by Co-Workers to Human Life has had a very successful first year of operation.  The centre which opened in November of 1984, has had over 500 clients and believes to be responsible for changing the minds of 80 per cent of the people who came requesting help to obtain an [...]

2009-12-16T13:01:25-05:00April 8, 1998|Crisis pregnancy centres|

Aid to women head nominated for award

Campaign Life Coalition has nominated Aid to Women executive director Joanne Dieleman for the Governor General’s award in commemoration or the Persons Case. The award was instituted in 1979 to salute individuals who have promoted the equality and advancement of women in Canada. The award recalls the 1929 judicial decision, which granted women constitutional status as “persons.” A native of Schiedam, The [...]

2010-08-23T09:42:45-04:00June 23, 1997|Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life|

Success stories buoy Aid to Women staff

Interim staff Allison James and Lucy Composano – two women, separated by age, race and circumstance,. Unique lives, yet sharing an experience that would affirm life in all its happiness and struggle, uncertainty and love. Both have faced a difficult, even frightening decision. An unplanned pregnancy, a period of uncertainty and doubt. Where to turn? How to cope? One solution seemed so [...]

2010-08-23T13:00:09-04:00March 23, 1997|Abortion, Activism, Crisis pregnancy centres|
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