Monthly Archives: July 1997

Focusing on the real threat to Quebec

Abortion quietly decimating French-speaking population Campagne Quebec-Vie President Gilles Grondin would not rate 1993 as one of his most successful campaigns. However, he has learned a lot and more importantly, has managed to keep Quebec’s pro-life political lobby alive. Despite many hurdles which his organization faces, Grondin is convinced that there is hope for the future. “People will come to realize that [...]

2010-08-20T14:35:30-04:00July 20, 1997|Abortion, Society & Culture|

You Were Asking

There have been many requests for information on the ‘Gag Laws’, their effects on pro-life efforts, and why people were unaware of them. The two gag laws, C169 and C114 illustrate how easily citizens can be robbed of their democratic rights. Bill C169: October 25, 1983 On its face Bill C169 was a dull series of amendments to the Election Act, mainly [...]

2010-08-20T14:34:23-04:00July 20, 1997|Politics|

Notable Quotes

Low birth rates “My opinion is that the drop [in births] is due to many factors: a bad economy, relatively small numbers of women at peak childbearing age, delayed marriages and the socially accepted conundrum that children are damaging to the environment and to personal happiness.” Katherine Dowling from her article “Mothers and Other Strangers.” (L.A. Times, March 3, 1994) Handicapped are [...]

2010-08-20T14:28:28-04:00July 20, 1997|Euthanasia, Issues, Population, Society & Culture|

Knights admit pro-abort NDP

Despite strong objections from local pro-lifers, the provincial NDP member from Durham York has been admitted to the St. Joseph Council of the Knights of Columbus. In his screening interview, Larry O’Connor claimed he was “pro-life” but that “he had to go along with (the pro-abortion stance of) the party.” O’Connor also supports the controversial legislation which would give benefits to same-sex [...]

2010-08-20T14:26:32-04:00July 20, 1997|Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups|

Ont. says ‘no’ to same-sex legislation

Bill 167 defeated 68-59 Chaos broke out in the Queen’s Park visitors’ gallery the minute it was announced that the Ontario government’s controversial same-sex benefits bill had been defeated. After filling the legislature with cries of “shame, shame,” homosexual demonstrators tussled with police and then took to the streets, blocked traffic and chanted “We’re here, we’re queer, we all pay taxes.” The [...]

2010-08-20T14:25:23-04:00July 20, 1997|Marriage and Family|

McGuinty’s stand short-lived

Two key figures in the recent Ontario Liberal Leadership race have shown their true colors on life and family issues. Ottawa South MPP Dalton McGuinty, now leader of the party, had previously tried to appeal to pro-life Ontarians. In an Interim interview during the race, McGuinty presented himself as a “moderate” on the abortion issue. Although he promised no concrete measures to [...]

2010-08-12T08:11:43-04:00July 12, 1997|Abortion, Politics|

Mixed emotions describe outlook for the new year

Rank and file pro-lifers are of mixed emotions regarding progress in the movement in the new year. Some are cautiously optimistic that the respect for life message will gain a more receptive audience in 1997, while others speak of further inroads by the culture of death and dwindling base of front-line pro-life support. In a random sampling of opinion from across the [...]

2010-08-12T08:09:55-04:00July 12, 1997|Activism, Pro-Life|

Campus network aids pro-life work for students

The struggle faced by pro-life secondary students on their campuses can be frustrating and disheartening, especially when faced alone. The National Campus Life Network (NCLN) has recently been established to ensure that these young adults have the support they require to bring the message of life to their peers on their campus. On the weekend of January 10-12, a gathering of about [...]

2010-08-12T07:57:52-04:00July 12, 1997|Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups, Youth Activism|

Book gives fine life-affirming argument

I have just finished reading – for the second time – a very interesting and informative book. It is entitled, Toward a Culture of Life. The author is Alex Schadenberg, with Father Tom Lynch. It is published by Life Centre Books Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. I have known Alex for many years and had the honour of being the celebrant at his wedding [...]

2010-08-12T07:56:22-04:00July 12, 1997|Book Review, Columnist, Pro-Life|

The world according to Eunice

The traffic on Eunice Morgan’s street in the Toronto suburb of Willowdale is a little heavier the first Thursday evening of each month. That’s the night Eunice hosts a gathering of like-minded Catholics who want to keep abreast of current social, moral and religious issues. While a monthly “caffe klatch” might not be big news, Eunice’s group is noteworthy for its longevity, [...]

2010-08-12T07:50:44-04:00July 12, 1997|Activism, Pro-life Groups|

Portland clinic up in flames

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – A May 23 fire of suspicious origin heavily damaged an abortion clinic that has been targeted twice before by arson. The clinic has been a focal point for anti-abortion protesters for years. Nobody was injured in the two-alarm fire, said Portland Fire Bureau spokesman Dave Centers, but the back of the masonry building was blackened by flames. Flames [...]

2010-08-12T07:49:11-04:00July 12, 1997|Activism, Pro-Life|

Euthanasia warnings valid in Netherlands

Interim special A new analysis of doctor-assisted death in the Netherlands – considered a model by some advocates of assisted suicide in the United States – suggests that doctors there have increasingly taken the next troubling step: Ending patients’ lives without their permission. The assessment contradicts Dutch government data publicized last year and widely interpreted as evidence that assisted suicide, which is [...]

2010-08-12T07:48:07-04:00July 12, 1997|Euthanasia|

N.B. decision upholds rights of unborn

FREDRICTON – New Brunswick’s highest court has ruled that a four-year-old Moncton boy can sue his mother for injuries he sustained while still in the womb. In 1993, Ryan Dobson’s mother Cynthia was involved in a head-on car collision three months before she was due to give birth. The accident left Ms. Dobson in a coma from which she eventually recovered, but [...]

2010-08-12T07:47:03-04:00July 12, 1997|Abortion, Abortion Law, Fetal Rights|

Jackie Robinson and the pro-life struggle

Throughout the course of 1997, and especially during the baseball season, much attention will be given to Jackie Robinson, for it was exactly 50 years ago that this gifted athlete from a poor and broken home in Georgia shattered baseball’s colour barrier and, in the process, caused a sociological revolution. On the night of April 15, 1997 50 years to the day [...]

2010-08-12T07:45:03-04:00July 12, 1997|Pro-Life, Profiles|

When life is devalued

Bergen-Belsen. The name sent a shudder down my spine. It evoked unreal black and white images – images from documentaries and photographs I had seen over the years. Yet what would I find in this place of death? Would it even be real? Not alone on this venture, my 11-year-old daughter Rebecca was with me. I wanted her to see this reality. [...]

2010-08-12T07:42:07-04:00July 12, 1997|Abortion, Society & Culture|
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