Monthly Archives: November 2000

On religion and public life

Stockwell Day told a TV audience at the beginning of the election campaign that he prays for journalists who ridicule his religious faith. Surely not individually by name. He would have time for little else. Appearing on the Christian talk show 100 Huntley Street, Day specifically referenced a Toronto Stararticle about him that sarcastically signed off with "God bless his holy-roller Pentecostal soul." The Starwriter [...]

2010-08-27T14:21:00-04:00November 28, 2000|Columnist, Religion|

Baby chop-shop ads ruled nasty

Somewhere in Winnipeg is a little-known institution that is oh-so-Canadian. Its a typical bureaucratic monstrosity, depending largely on secrecy in order to operate and extend its tentacles into the business of Canadians. I am, of course, speaking of Advertising Standards Canada. Set-up to monitor truth in advertising, the top-secret group even tries to tackle moral issues, or should I say, when the [...]

2010-08-27T14:21:35-04:00November 28, 2000|Abortion, Abortion Law, Columnist|


Eddie Goldenberg ran into Prime Minister Jean Crouton's office shortly after the federal election had been announced. Eddie screamed excitedly: "Denis Vincent is here! Denis says that he doesn't want to run against you this year!" Crouton is shocked. "What kind of a friend is he?! Does Denis want to see me defeated?! Show him in." Eddie darts out and Denis enters [...]

2010-07-28T10:41:18-04:00November 28, 2000|Columnist, Frank Kennedy, Politics|

Coren’s Lifesite webcasts on CD

The Best of Michael Coren on LifeSite in Real Audio (Interim Publishing, Toronto, $15). Review by Paul Tuns The Interim Interim readers will be familiar with journalist and broadcaster Michael Coren, not only from his column in this newspaper, but also from his writing in the Sun newspapers, his many books, and his Crossroads television show, Michael Coren Live. It's likely, however, [...]

2010-07-28T10:33:52-04:00November 28, 2000|DVD Review, Television Shows|

B.C. youth pro-life conference inspiring

By Margaret Bright The Interim They say the future of the pro-life movement lays in the hands of our young people. One hundred young adults kept this in mind as they attended the eleventh annual Youth Pro-Life Conference held in Surrey, British Columbia last weekend. After a few "break-the-ice" games and prayer led by Fr. Tom Lynch of St. Augustine's Seminary in [...]

2010-07-28T10:30:50-04:00November 28, 2000|Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups, Youth Activism|

‘He walked with me through it all’

Family, colleagues, and fellow Christians rallied when freedom of the press was threatened By Sue Careless The Interim When there is danger for journalists, there is danger for freedom, danger for democracy. UNESCO Secretary-General Frederico Mayor, in awarding the World Press Freedom Award 2000 to Jesus Blancornelas, a Mexican journalist shot by the drug traffickers he was exposing "The Lord hear thee [...]

2010-08-27T14:23:26-04:00November 28, 2000|Abortion Law, Activism, Pro-Life|

Rosalie Hall scholarships help young mothers

Program enables women to choose life and continue their education By Mike Mastromatteo The Interim The Rosalie Hall Foundation has added scholarships to its range of services to young women in crisis pregnancies. The scholarships, eligible to up to 10 high-achieving graduates of the Rosalie Hall secondary school program, enable young mothers to continue their education at the college or university level. [...]

2010-08-27T14:24:16-04:00November 28, 2000|Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups|

Memories of a perfect September day

By Mary Ellen Douglas The Interim It seems the pro-life family has experienced so many difficult and trying problems in the last short whole. Two million babies killed in their mothers' wombs, the arrival of chemical abortions, attacks on born children, and the threats and reality of euthanasia. But God in His infinite mercy chose to bless us with the happiest event [...]

2010-08-27T14:24:58-04:00November 28, 2000|Profiles, Religion|

Sometimes crazy people save babies

By Grace Petrasek The Interim Recently, Robert Hinchey, co-counsellor with Joanne Dieleman at Toronto's Aid to Women, was chatting with a couple headed for the abortuary located next door. As they spoke, an abortuary employee darted from within and screamed, "Don't listen to him. He's crazy. They're all crazy up there. He's crazy. Don't listen to him." Later, while reflecting on this [...]

2010-07-28T09:23:14-04:00November 28, 2000|Abortion, Activism, Crisis pregnancy centres, Pro-Life, Profiles|

Surrey School Board vindicated on gay books

B.C. appeal ruling seen as crucial victory for parental authority, religious freedom By Ted Gerk The Interim School Board chair Heather Stilwell is confident that the recent battle over books is over. She's comfortable talking about the agenda she says took precedence over common sense, when pro-homosexual activists challenged the rights of parents to make decisions affecting their children's learning environment. "They [...]

2010-07-28T09:21:40-04:00November 28, 2000|Marriage and Family, Sex Education|

Fetal pain is just the tip of the iceberg

By Donald DeMarco The Interim In 1974, a fish processing plant employee by the name of Eleanor Donoghy was formally charged with "cruel treatment to prawns" ("Prawn-Frying Fracas Boils Over Into Court,"Midnight, March 18, 1974). Plant workers reported the 16-year-old British girl to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which took her to court. During the trial, government [...]

2010-07-28T09:19:50-04:00November 28, 2000|Abortion, Fetal Rights, Pro-Life|

Procreation for spare parts

A Canadian moral theologian criticizes the use of new productive technologies when they leads to the objectification of people. Bridget Campion, assistant professor of moral theology at St. Augustine's Seminary in Toronto, told The Interim that recent uses of in vitro fertilization (IVF) have created a whole new moral problem that goes beyond how human life is created to the uses to [...]

2010-07-28T09:18:03-04:00November 28, 2000|Abortion, Bioethics, Fetal Rights, Pro-Life|

Pro-lifers ponder U.K. conjoined twins case

By Paul Tuns The Interim Pro-lifers around the world are worried about the British courts setting a precedent that appears not only to allow but to dictate the killing of a young child to save the life of her sister. On Aug. 25, the English High Court ruled that "Jodie" and "Mary," conjoined or "Siamese" twins born earlier that month, were to [...]

2010-07-28T09:11:08-04:00November 28, 2000|Human rights, Pro-Life|

Pro-lifers make presence felt at March of Women finale

Divisions among Catholics over church sponsorship continue By Paul Tuns The Interim The World March for Women 2000, a feminist event that has caused tremendous controversy within the Catholic Church in Canada, wrapped up its activities Oct. 15-17. The Canadian march committee led a demonstration on Parliament Hill and presented a list of demands to the Prime Minister, while the global contingent [...]

2010-07-28T09:09:13-04:00November 28, 2000|Pro-Life|
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