Abortion Law

Canadian Pediatric Society advises 22-week-olds be left to die

The official policy of the Canadian Pediatric Society is that preemies born under 23 weeks of gestation should only receive palliative care, not intensive care.   However, an American study published on May 7, 2015, in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that nearly a quarter – 23 per cent – of babies born at 22 weeks survived if actively treated and [...]

2015-07-10T11:44:00-04:00July 8, 2015|Abortion, Abortion Law, Human rights, Society & Culture|

Campagne Quebec Vie to challenge bubble zone in Montreal

Following its move to a new Montreal location, Montreal’s Morgentaler abortion facility needs a new injunction to prevent pro-lifers from demonstrating near the abortuary, and Campagne Quebec Vie plans to fight it. For 25 years Quebec pro-lifers have picketed across the street but when the Morgentaler Clinic moved to a new location, next door to the Femina abortuary, CQV demonstrators showed up [...]

2015-03-10T08:02:48-04:00March 10, 2015|Abortion Law|

Debate stifled on N.B. abortion regulations

Conservative MLA Dorothy Shephard tried to get new permissive abortion regulations debated. On Dec. 18, the New Brunswick legislature did not debate a motion put forward by Progressive Conservative MLA and status of women critic Dorothy Shephard (Saint John Lancaster), calling on the government to delay implementing “any changes to abortion services” until they could be debated in the provincial House. [...]

2015-03-01T12:21:08-05:00February 27, 2015|Abortion Law, Politics|

Newfoundland Health Minister will consider expanding abortion access

Newfoundland Health Minister Steve Kent says he will expand abortion services if women or doctors ask for it. There are about 1,000 surgical abortions committed in Newfoundland and Labrador each year, all them carried out in two facilities in the capital, St. John’s. Health and Community Services Minister Steve Kent said he would expand abortion in the province if there [...]

2015-01-29T07:47:08-05:00January 29, 2015|Abortion, Abortion Law, Politics|

New Brunswick eliminates regulations, funds abortion

New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant gutted restrictions on abortion, including a requirement that a specialist carry out the procedure. On Nov. 26, New Brunswick premier Brian Gallant announced the government would increase abortion access in the province by rescinding Regulation 84-20 of the Medical Services Payment Act, which has been in force for more than two decades and required abortion [...]

2015-01-07T08:12:14-05:00January 6, 2015|Abortion, Abortion Law|

Mississauga woman charged with hiding baby’s body acquitted because abortion is legal

A woman charged with leaving the body of her full-term baby daughter wrapped in a plastic bag on her apartment balcony in 2006 was found to be within her legal rights by an Ontario judge. Justice Toni Skarica of the Ontario Superior Court ruled there was a “reasonable possibility” that the mother killed her daughter before birth and then self-aborted before concealing [...]

2014-11-27T09:45:58-05:00November 25, 2014|Abortion, Abortion Law|

Abortion becomes issue in New Brunswick election

Despite besting the provincial Progressive Conservatives by nine percentage points (43 per cent compared to 34) in the Sept. 22 New Brunswick election, the Liberals eked out a bare majority, leading in 27 ridings in the 49-seat provincial legislature. The Tories took 21 and the Green Party won a Fredericton riding. The focus of the election was, of course, the economy and [...]

2014-10-01T07:12:08-04:00October 1, 2014|Abortion, Abortion Law, Announcements, Features, Politics|

Abortion funding part of New Brunswick election

When the New Brunswick provincial campaign was formally launched on August 18, all three party leaders agreed the Sept. 22 election would be decided on economic issues. But in the months leading up to the dropping of the writ, abortion funding had become a hot political issue because the Morgentaler Clinic in Fredericton announced it was closing due to it being excluded [...]

2014-09-06T20:50:08-04:00September 6, 2014|Abortion Law, Announcements, Features, Politics|

Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Massachusetts abortion buffer zone law

The Supreme Court of the United States has unanimously struck down a Massachusetts law establishing a buffer zone around abortion facilities. The justices’ 9-0 ruling in McCullen v. Coakley reverses the First Circuit Court of Appeals decision upholding the law, which barred sidewalk counselors from setting foot within 35 feet of abortion facilities statewide. The 34-page ruling, written by Chief Justice John [...]

2014-08-13T11:24:45-04:00August 13, 2014|Abortion Law|

Canada one of four countries with total abortion-on-demand

Canada is one of four countries in the world that have no restrictions on abortion according to a new study from an American pro-life organization. Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms, a new report by Angelina Baglini of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, compares the gestational limits on abortion in the United States to the limits in [...]

2014-05-02T07:32:18-04:00April 28, 2014|Abortion, Abortion Law|

How Roe was decided

Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade by Clarke D. Forsythe (Encounter, $31, 477 pages) In Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade, Clarke D. Forsythe has written an insightful and original book on the infamous 1973 decision that legalized abortion in all nine months throughout the United States, and the lesser known companion decision Doe [...]

2014-03-27T09:22:36-04:00March 27, 2014|Abortion Law, Announcements, Book Review, Features|

The lessons of C-43

The Canadian Press obtained 20-year-old cabinet meeting minutes on the Mulroney abortion bill, C-43. The 83 pages of documents reveal a cabinet split into various factions on how to best deal with the aftermath of the Morgentaler decision, which sent the abortion issue back to Parliament if it chose to deal with it. The recently declassified documents were obtained by CP through [...]

2014-01-20T08:53:17-05:00January 20, 2014|Abortion Law, Announcements, Features|

Government creates exceptions to Irish abortion ban

Pro-lifers concerned ‘suicide’ will be used to permit broad abortion license Lucinda Creighton resigned as Minister of European Affairs after opposing her government's liberalization of Ireland's abortion law. Irish lawmakers have passed a bill liberalizing Ireland’s abortion ban by a 127-31 vote. On July 12, the TDs (Irish MPs) voted to make abortion legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy if [...]

2013-08-23T11:08:22-04:00August 23, 2013|Abortion Law, Activism, Politics|

Gendercide motion deemed non-votable, mini revolt ensues

Mark Warawa did not take the decision to nix his private member’s motion condemning sex-selective abortion laying down. After the sub-committee on private member’s business deemed M-408 non-votable on March 21 claiming the House of Commons already dealt with a similar issue earlier this Parliament and that it infringed on provincial jurisdiction, the Langley, British Columbia, Conservative MP attempted to speak about [...]

2013-05-06T10:00:00-04:00May 6, 2013|Abortion Law, Fetal Rights|

M-408 deemed non-votable

MP Mark Warawa’s motion to condemn sex-selection abortion was declared non-votable March 21 in the ongoing joint effort by Canada’s Conservative government and opposition parties to keep the abortion debate out of Parliament. The question was brought up unexpectedly at the Sub-Committee on Private Members’ Business on the day the government released its budget for 2013, meaning parliamentary reporters are “locked up” [...]

2013-04-29T07:30:38-04:00April 29, 2013|Abortion Law, Politics|
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