Health Risks

Does everyone need a shot in the arm?

In the past month, the Ontario Ministry of Health sent home a red and white flyer entitled “Help Wipe Out Red Measles” with every child in the province. Replete with warnings of “blindness,” “hearing problems,” “brain damage,” “death” and even suspension from school for the un-inoculated, the flyer and its accompanying multi-media blitz hope to convince the public that they have a [...]

2010-03-11T10:49:49-05:00March 29, 1996|Health Risks, Society & Culture|

Research sought in abortion/breast cancer link

Two Ottawa women feel that the information is “too important to leave alone” Two Ottawa women are doing their part to spread information linking induced abortion with an increased risk of breast cancer. Karen Murawsky, public affairs officer with Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa, and partner Lyn Smith, are authors of the report, Women Need to Know. The report is a summary of [...]

2010-03-10T09:26:21-05:00March 29, 1996|Abortion, Health Risks, Issues|

Norplant horror story unfolds in Dallas

Police in Dallas are trying to determine what role a doctor who gives out contraceptives, had in a sexual abuse case. The Dallas Morning News reports that Dr. Andrew Burke has come under fire for his decision to implant the abortifacient Norplant into an 11-year-old girl. Norplant is a highly controversial implant favoured by birth-control groups who believe in its long-term capabilities. [...]

2010-03-10T09:23:37-05:00March 29, 1996|Abortion, Health Risks, Issues|

Misleading ultrasound tests leads to abortion

Told by doctors her baby was dead, woman delivers two healthy sons A British study raises concern over the number of preborn children who have been killed after they were wrongly diaganosed as already dead or disabled in ultrasound scans. A study of more than 2000 babies in West Yorkshire revealed one in 200 terminations were based on misinterpretation of routine scans. [...]

2010-03-08T09:32:14-05:00December 29, 1995|Abortion, Health Risks, Issues|

Pill causing an “epidemic of anxiety”

U.K. studies show a brand of birth control pill may be linked with “deep vein thrombosis” A health warning issued by the British Government revealed the results of studies that link seven popular brands of low dose contraceptive pills with deep vein thrombosis. This instigated an uproar within the medical profession and provoked confusion and outrage amongst the British population. The Government [...]

2010-03-08T09:30:38-05:00December 29, 1995|Health Risks|

Chemical abortions open new front in struggle The Methorexate and Misoprostol procedure has a long litany of side effects, including kidney damage, infertility, liver toxicity, blood disorders and fever

Pharmacists for Life International is disputing mainstream media reports of “safe and quick” home abortion techniques using drugs already available for other uses. The reports say an American researcher has discovered that a combination of methotrexate (a drug used in chemotherapy) and misoprostol (a gastr-intestinal medicine) can induce abortions in 96 per cent of women during their first nine weeks of pregnancy.  [...]

2010-03-02T12:50:10-05:00November 29, 1995|Health Risks, Physicians for Life, Pro-life Groups|

Amnesty won’t support this prisoner

Poor Linda Groce. She’s doing 12 months in jail for illegal sidewalk counselling outside of Robert Scott’s Toronto abortuary. She is also one of the 18 pro-lifers charged two years ago by the former NDP government for their pro-life activities. Linda, 46, the mother of three children is well acquainted with the serious problems ensuing from having an abortion (having had one [...]

Pushed out of society

Looking at some news stories in Ontario causes me to wonder-and worry-about the future facing disabled persons. Toronto Star columnist Thomas Walkom recently wrote about the plight of one Ontario family in the wake of welfare cutbacks. Matthew Jensen is an eight year old with severe autism who cannot speak feed or dress himself. Matthew is fed through a tube inserted directly [...]

2010-02-16T13:42:27-05:00August 29, 1995|Bioethics, Health Risks, Issues|

The final assault on humanity: Ottawa’s response

Opinion polls clearly show Canadians’ distaste with genetic engineering. Why is the Health Minister dodging the issue? Medical and legal experts have long recognized that scientific and technological developments in regard to new reproductive technologies (NRT) have far outstripped the law. They have warned that, unchecked by legislation, this “area of research is par excellence one likely to produce problems for mankind [...]

2010-02-16T09:54:26-05:00August 29, 1995|Health Risks, Society & Culture|

Information on the Consent to Treatment Act

The Consent to Treatment Act (which came into force on April 3, 1995) sets out conditions under which Health Practitioners (HPs) are permitted to administer treatment to patients.  (The term Health Practitioner includes: school doctors, nurses and psychologists; public health nurses, and doctors and nurses on staff at birth-control centres and abortion clinics.) Although one of the main purposes of the Act [...]

2010-02-02T14:39:13-05:00May 29, 1995|Bioethics, Health Risks|

Possible anti-fertility vaccine discovered

Those who follow the workings of the various anti-population organizations have long feared the possibility of an anti-human vaccination. These fears may now have been realized with the discovery of an anti-tetanus vaccine, administered by the World Health Organization, which may have destroyed the fertility of millions in the Third World. Several pro-life agencies, including Human Life International and International Right to [...]

2010-02-02T09:36:26-05:00May 29, 1995|Bioethics, Health Risks, Motherhood, Population|

Brightening up the grey halls of the institution

Providence center’s Dr. Ian Ferguson ensures that depression does not affect an elderly patient’s treatment Looking more like a funky film animator then a psychiatrist, Dr Ian Ferguson appears too boyish, even at 45, to be specializing in geriatrics.  With his own lively mind, he treats patient suffering from dementia.  Even though many of his clients display some behaviors that are ‘disinhibited,’ [...]

2010-01-21T14:30:40-05:00April 29, 1995|Health Risks, Society & Culture|

Closure of Disabled Clinic Linked to CTA

Ontario’s new Consent to Treatment Act could create havoc with the treatment doctors and healthcare workers are able to provide. Already, one doctor has shut down her clinic saying that the legislation has makes it impossible for her to care for her patients. “I’m not going to open my clinic until somebody sorts this around,” said Dr. Lynne Margesson in an April [...]

2010-01-21T12:43:12-05:00April 29, 1995|Health Risks, Politics|

Refusal to face facts hurts women

Mother Jones Magazine is not usually on my must read list but a colleague gave me the March/April issue which contains a surprisingly fair article on abortion and breast cancer. Writer Michael Castleman concludes that there is enough evidence in studies to date to show a connection. He does not demand an end to abortion, but he does ask for some informed [...]

2010-01-21T12:18:34-05:00April 29, 1995|Abortion, Abortion statistics, Health Risks|

Disabled boy to get transplant

Calgary case typical of the sort of medical discrimination which the disabled face in Canada A Calgary boy who suffers from Down Syndrome will finally get a chance to have a lung transplant. However, the number of hurdles and the amount of animosity that he and his family had to overcome to get on this list provides vivid insight of how Canadian [...]

2010-01-20T10:44:12-05:00April 29, 1995|Health Risks|
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