News Bits

And then there was this, November 2024

  By J.M. Glover British Catholics fight against assisted suicide bill A recent CBC online story has reported that Russian On Oct. 16, British members of Parliament began debating a Labour bill to legalise assisted suicide. Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, released a pastoral letter to Catholics reminding them that “the evidence from every [...]

Excerpts, October 2021

“Telling Women They Don’t Need Men is Hurting Their Children” Tim Goeglein The Federalist  (Oct. 14) As the late Michael Novak, recipient of the Templeton Prize and renowned philosopher, once remarked, “Marriage, the family unit, was the ‘original Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.’” Unfortunately, these days, the fundamental foundation for societal well-being – strong marriages and intact families – is crumbling at [...]

2021-11-12T08:45:38-05:00November 12, 2021|Excerpts|

Excerpts, September 2021

“A judicious celebration” James Bradley Thayer Law and Liberty (July 1) Way back when I was at law school in Canada and the Charter’s adoption was being debated, we voters were promised it would overwhelmingly just confirm rights that already existed; it would not be transformative. And of course there is no other possible way to try to sell an instrument that [...]

2021-09-14T12:45:17-04:00September 14, 2021|Excerpts|

Excerpts: July & August 2021

“This Canada Day, let’s cancel the cancellers” Christopher Dummitt The Hub (June 28) But it’s possible to deplore the legacy of residential schools and still be put off by the sickening glee with which some activists (and sadly, some actual historians) jumped on the news of the discovery to advance their pre-set ideological attack on Canada and the western world, and its [...]

2021-08-06T10:19:03-04:00August 6, 2021|Excerpts|

June 2021 Excerpts

“Why Twitter Isn’t Manly” Emma Ayers The American Conservative (May 18) But most unfortunately, the masculine revolution has manifested as a collective cry of outrage on social media—resulting in a bunch of chest-beating Twitter threads and Facebook tirades against the downhill slide of culture. Such is the way of the world, I suppose. The greatest war, the war against the mind in [...]

2021-06-18T10:30:25-04:00June 18, 2021|Excerpts|

Argentina legalizes abortion

Paraguayan and Brazilian politicians criticize move By Interim Staff On Dec. 30, the Argentine Senate voted 38-29 to approve abortion-on-demand up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, affirming the law supported by President Alberto Fernández. One senator abstained from the vote. Earlier in the month, the Chamber of Deputies passed the bill 131-117. It was the eighth legislative attempt in the last 35 [...]

2021-01-28T21:07:10-05:00January 28, 2021|News in Brief|

And then there was this – Oct 2020

Canada According to a survey by Leger for the Association for Canadian Studies (conducted Sept. 11-13), 87 per cent of Liberal Party voters and 74 per cent of Conservative voters “support same-sex marriage.” In the United States, 77 per cent of Democrats and 46 per cent of Republicans do. In other words, Conservative voters are more like Democrats than they are Republicans, [...]

2020-12-10T16:54:24-05:00October 26, 2020|News Bits|

New poll suggests hard work ahead for pro-lifers

A DART & Maru/Blue Voice Canada Poll released February 1, 2020 reveals the ignorance of the Canadian populace on the abortion issue.1,515 randomly selected members of Maru/Blue’s Voice Canada Online panel were surveyed from December 5 to 8 in 2019 and the results were weighted by education, age, gender, and region to match the Canadian population, though PEI and the territories have [...]

Don’t be these people this election

Talk Turkey Josie Luetke I had a hard time deciding what to write this column on because I’m not sure who bothers me more this election: “Pro-lifers” planning to vote Liberal/NDP/Green or pro-lifers insisting it’s “Conservative or bust.” I decided to write about both, in a “fun” exercise of considering which mindset is more infuriating. Let us look at Exhibit [...]

And then there was this …

Canada On May 9, the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) issued a paper calling for “Universal access to no-cost contraception for youth in Canada.” Claiming “access to contraception” is a “basic human right,” the CPS pointed to estimates that there are nearly 60,000 unintended pregnancies among women 25 and under in Canada and claimed that preventing those pregnancies would save money even after [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Conservative MP David Anderson (Cypress Hills-Grassland) introduced a bill that would make it a crime to intimidate health care workers to force them to directly or indirectly take part in euthanasia. The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, or Bill C-418, is expected to be debated in Parliament May 29, and Campaign Life Coalition is asking Canadians to get behind the [...]

And then there was this …

Canada LifeSiteNews has launched a petition to mark 2019 World Down Syndrome Day, to request that the United Nations help stop the abortion of Down syndrome babies. LifeSiteNews notes that 92 per cent of Down syndrome babies are aborted in the U.S., 98 per cent are aborted in Denmark and almost 100 per cent are aborted in Iceland. The comparable number in [...]

2019-04-22T09:42:50-04:00April 22, 2019|And then there was this..., Bits n' Pieces|

And then there was this …

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is at it again. He is giving $30 million Canadian tax dollars over the next five years to developing countries to push his homosexual and gender identity agenda. Global Affairs Canada, through Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau, said Canada “is committed to advocating for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirited (LGBTQ2) and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada By a 1996 agreement, St. Martha’s Catholic Hospital in Antigonish, N.S., was taken over by the Eastern Regional Health Board, but continued to be staffed by the Sisters of St. Martha. The sisters, the board, and the N.S. Health Department signed an agreement to ensure the hospital’s Catholic identity and values would be preserved. The agreement expressly forbids “assisting” suicide and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada The BBC World News reported that, “Canada has become a hot destination for parents-to-be looking for ‘altruistic surrogates’ – women who give birth to babies they are not genetically related to.” Canadian legislation makes it easy for “intended” parents to obtain legal parenthood of a surrogate baby. Canadian fertility consulting agencies match up couples (usually infertile couples, same-sex male couples and [...]

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