News in Brief

Argentina legalizes abortion

Paraguayan and Brazilian politicians criticize move By Interim Staff On Dec. 30, the Argentine Senate voted 38-29 to approve abortion-on-demand up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, affirming the law supported by President Alberto Fernández. One senator abstained from the vote. Earlier in the month, the Chamber of Deputies passed the bill 131-117. It was the eighth legislative attempt in the last 35 [...]

2021-01-28T21:07:10-05:00January 28, 2021|News in Brief|

And then there was this …

Canada Conservative MP David Anderson (Cypress Hills-Grassland) introduced a bill that would make it a crime to intimidate health care workers to force them to directly or indirectly take part in euthanasia. The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, or Bill C-418, is expected to be debated in Parliament May 29, and Campaign Life Coalition is asking Canadians to get behind the [...]

And then there was this …

Canada By a 1996 agreement, St. Martha’s Catholic Hospital in Antigonish, N.S., was taken over by the Eastern Regional Health Board, but continued to be staffed by the Sisters of St. Martha. The sisters, the board, and the N.S. Health Department signed an agreement to ensure the hospital’s Catholic identity and values would be preserved. The agreement expressly forbids “assisting” suicide and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada The BBC World News reported that, “Canada has become a hot destination for parents-to-be looking for ‘altruistic surrogates’ – women who give birth to babies they are not genetically related to.” Canadian legislation makes it easy for “intended” parents to obtain legal parenthood of a surrogate baby. Canadian fertility consulting agencies match up couples (usually infertile couples, same-sex male couples and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Canada’s Supreme Court authorised the practice of euthanasia, or medical-assistance-in-dying, in 2016 with the following exceptions forbidden by law: euthanasia for “mature minors,” i.e. those under the age of 18; psychiatric patients; and those whose illness falls beyond the ability of capacity to make an informed decision (for example, those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease). The Trudeau government tasked the Council of [...]

And then there was this

Editor’s Note: We are experimenting with a new feature this month. “And then there was this,” near the back of the newspaper will replace “Bits ‘n’ pieces.” The idea is to cover news from Canada and abroad in brief, but the tone will change to add more of an editorial slant rather than straight news items. The section will be written by [...]

2018-04-20T18:07:17-04:00April 20, 2018|News in Brief|

Canada Briefs

Protestors oppose Charles Rice lecture WATERLOO – At least two groups led by professors protested the appearance of Charles Rice as keynote speaker at the Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University at the University of Waterloo. Rice, a professor emeritus at the University of Notre Dame Law School and devout Roman Catholic opposed to same-sex “marriage” and abortion, will give a [...]

2012-04-30T12:43:08-04:00April 30, 2012|News in Brief|

News Briefs

Feminist hijack education, population meetings TURTLE BAY – A June 2011 paper from the Washington-based Heritage Foundation examined the difficulties raised by the radical feminists at UN Women, the United Nation’s feminist super agency. The organization was designed to take the place of several previous UN agencies to “hold the UN system accountable for its own commitments on gender equality.” UN Women [...]

2011-07-31T18:04:33-04:00July 31, 2011|News in Brief|

News Briefs

Carleton Lifeline files notice OTTAWA – The Carleton pro-life club has filed a Notice of Application for Judicial Review of the policies and decisions of the Carleton University Students Association (CUSA). Carleton Lifeline lost its club status on Nov. 15, 2010 after CUSA applied sections 5 and 6 of their Discrimination on Campus Policy. Section 6 prohibits any effort “that seeks to [...]

2011-05-26T14:10:41-04:00May 26, 2011|News in Brief|

Faith vital to women’s life balance

Dynamic Women of Faith, an event held on International Women’s Day, attracted women from Toronto, Oakville, Brampton, Milton, Orangeville, Collingwood, Stouffville, Nottawa, Cambridge, Richmond Hill and Scarborough, among other areas. Women of all ages, united by their love of Christ, came together to be replenished and renewed in their journey of faith. Speakers addressed a variety of issues to help women deal [...]

2010-04-16T13:44:48-04:00April 19, 2010|News in Brief|

News briefs

Alberta family wins 3-week reprieve for son EDMONTON – On Feb. 19, Court of Queen’s Bench Judge Michelle Crighton ordered Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton to keep Isaiah James May on life support until March 11 to give May’s parents three weeks to assemble medical experts to assess their son’s chances for further recovery. The order extends an original reprieve granted on [...]

2010-03-31T05:17:04-04:00March 31, 2010|News in Brief|


Indian capital legalizes gay sex NEW DELHI – Justice S. Muralidhar of New Delhi’s High Court decriminalized consensual gay sex between adults in a controversial decision on July 2. The law only applies within city limits, but sets a legal precedent that may be invoked by courts across India. While India’s gays celebrated the victory, spiritual leaders in the religiously diverse country [...]

2009-09-17T05:51:56-04:00August 17, 2009|News Bits, News in Brief|

News items offered without (too much) comment

A few thing that caught my eye. This editor’s desk column will be, as it often is, less a column delving into an issue than mentioning a couple items that came across my desk, but for which there wasn’t room in the paper. The leftwing website had a story by Byard Duncan who wrote about “Maggie,” her university friend in Indiana, [...]

2009-09-14T09:46:11-04:00August 14, 2009|News in Brief, Society & Culture|

News in Brief

Planned Parenthood releases report OTTAWA – The International Planned Parenthood Federation launched its newest report, “Contraception at a Crossroads,” on April 24 in Ottawa. Approximately 30 people attended the gathering held on Parliament Hill, co-sponsored by the IPPF, Action Canada for Population and Development and the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health. Senator Lucie Pépin was to welcome the attendees, but could not [...]

2009-07-20T13:58:24-04:00June 20, 2009|News in Brief, Politics|
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