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So far marika has created 213 blog entries.

Letters to an unborn child: Ten weeks and counting

My Darling Baby: I can hardly believe that it is only 10 more weeks until your long-anticipated arrival. The last couple of months have been busy with birthdays, Christmas holidays, your brother's exams and a celebration in recognition of your dad publishing his first book. It seems like there has been no time to stop and get things ready for your arrival. [...]

2010-08-27T09:18:24-04:00February 27, 2005|Columnist, Motherhood|

Destroying society’s primary cell

It's impossible these days to open a newspaper or turn on the radio or TV without reading or hearing or seeing more about violence towards women. There are numerous articles in papers and magazines analyzing this sad and shocking phenomenon and suggesting solutions. There is some truth in most of these opinions, but I don't think I have read anywhere the suggestion [...]

2010-08-27T09:17:23-04:00February 27, 2005|Columnist, Marriage and Family|

Conservative politics and the Quebec factor

From March 17-19, an important event will take place in Montreal: the founding convention of the Conservative Party of Canada. Political analysts and even the leaders of the party have perhaps not yet pondered the importance of the Quebec factor at this convention. Unlike the Canadian Alliance, which was based on popular representation, the Conservative party is based on a riding representation [...]

2010-08-27T08:54:32-04:00February 27, 2005|Columnist, Politics, Society & Culture|

Going after a killer

Ever since I quit smoking other people's cigarettes over 30 years ago, I've been known to be dead against smoking. I think that's why I was recently offered the job of managing the new Smoke Police Department. I accepted it. A gentleman known only as Zorba, a deputy in the office of the Honourable George Smitherman, the Ontario minister of health and [...]

2010-08-27T08:47:17-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Columnist, Frank Kennedy|

2005 will be an exciting year to watch

As I pen these words, you probably think that, as a beginning-of-the-year column, I would be looking back at the previous year. Indeed, there were numerous glimmers of hope, showing that the abortion debate is far from over in this country. Despite the globeandmailtorontostar's view that those who oppose abortion are unfit to run for office, their loud protestations merely confirm that [...]

2010-08-27T08:45:00-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Activism, Columnist, Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups|

Kansas site attended by Canadian mothers botches abortion Special to The Interim With sirens blaring and emergency lights flashing, an ambulance rushed an injured woman to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Ks. early in the morning of Jan. 13, after an apparent botched abortion at Women's Health Care Services, a late-term abortion mill run by the notorious George Tiller. As LifeSite and The Interim reported last fall, health authorities [...]

2010-08-27T08:40:08-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

Feds investigating provinces’ abortion funding Special to The Interim Health Canada is investigating all Canadian provinces for supposed breaches of the Canada Health Act by allowing patients to pay for services at private medical clinics. The government agency forbids individuals from being charged a fee to obtain what Health Canada considers any "medically necessary" service. The Health Act explicitly gives provinces the authority to determine which [...]

2010-08-27T08:39:12-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Abortion Law|

Vancouver woman chose for her baby’s life before succumbing to cancer Special to The Interim Gabriele Helms, an assistant professor of English at the University of British Columbia, died on New Year's Eve of breast cancer, but not before giving life to her much-awaited daughter, who was born at 26 weeks - just before her mother's death. Helms' first battle with breast cancer was in 2001, after she miscarried her first child. [...]

2010-08-27T08:37:43-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Fetal Rights, Pro-Life|

Bush proclaims National Sanctity of Human Life Day

Editor's Note: President George W. Bush released this proclamation on Jan. 15. The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that all Americans are endowed by the Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we celebrate the sacred gift of life. We have a responsibility in America to defend the life of [...]

2010-08-27T08:34:49-04:00February 27, 2005|Fetal Rights, Pro-Life|

Amber alert for an unborn kidnap victim

In December, an amber alert was issued for an abducted baby after she was ripped from her mother's womb in the eighth month of gestation. The baby was cut from Bobbi Jo Stinnett's womb after the mother was murdered. Police believed that the murderer abducted the baby girl and that the child was still living. They alerted citizens to keep an eye [...]

2010-08-27T08:33:27-04:00February 27, 2005|Fetal Rights, Society & Culture|

Consumer Reports magazine faces bias charges over coverage

The February 2005 issue of Consumer Reports focuses on birth control methods. In addition to grading the effectiveness of condoms, the report also addresses the birth control pill. However, in mentioning how the pill works, the consumer advocacy organization fails to mention the abortifacient effects of the pill. "Every pharmacist in America should know how the birth control pill can prevent a [...]

2010-08-27T08:29:36-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion|

A cardinal’s plea for traditional marriage

'A turning point in the evolution of Canadian society' The Canadian government has announced its intention to present a bill at the beginning of the next session of Parliament that, if passed, would change the traditional definition of marriage to include same-sex partnerships within the same legal framework as the conjugal relation between a man and a woman. As a Canadian citizen [...]

2010-08-27T08:10:29-04:00February 27, 2005|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

An exciting, new breakthrough in pain control pharmacology

Anti-euthanasia group gets behind clinical trials of neural toxin Interim Staff Euthanasia advocates often cite extreme cases of intractable pain in cancer as a justification for "compassionate" assisted suicide. Now, the argument could be made moot by a little spiny fish popular with Japanese restaurant goers as Fugu, the daredevil dish. This particular fish emits one of nature's strongest neural toxins, a [...]

2010-08-27T08:08:42-04:00February 27, 2005|Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia|

Numbers show ‘legal’ abortion hasn’t lowered maternal deaths

Ten times more women are dying today, as a result of abortion, than in 1972. How is this possible, if legal abortion has reduced the fatality rate by 10 times as a result of the procedure being committed in a controlled medical environment? The answer is that the availability of free, un-prosecuted abortion has boosted the number of women seeking to abort [...]

2010-08-27T08:06:47-04:00February 27, 2005|Abortion, Post-abortion and Health Care|

New Brunswick parents continue battle against sex ed program

Late last year, a new sex-education curriculum for Grades 6-8 was introduced into New Brunswick schools, over many protests. The Middle School Growth and Development program grew out of an earlier study by a team of University of New Brunswick researchers in co-operation with the new Brunswick government. Sandra Byers, a psychology professor at the Univeristy of New Brunswick and professional sex [...]

2010-08-27T08:04:59-04:00February 27, 2005|Sex Education|
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