Monthly Archives: June 1983

How quickly they forget

At the press conference on June 7 in Toronto, where Morgantaler announced the opening date of his Toronto clinic, his supporters handed out "information kits" to the press. One of the pieces of paper was a reprint of articles by Michele Landsberg in the Toronto Star and Laura Sabia in the Toronto Sun. Landsberg's article (November 4, 1982), opened: "Dr. Henry Morgantaler [...]

2009-06-23T11:58:41-04:00June 23, 1983|Abortion, Society & Culture|

Abortion and the conscience of the nation

Reprinted with permission The 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade is a good time for us to pause and reflect. Our nation-wide policy of abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy was neither voted for by our people nor enacted by our legislators - not a single state had such unrestricted abortion before the Supreme Court decreed [...]

2009-06-23T12:09:19-04:00June 23, 1983|Abortion, Politics|

Canadian advocates for human life

It seemed apparent, therefore, that the next move was the organization - on a national basis- of a national umbrella group called "Canadian Advocates for Human Life." The purpose of the national body will be to coordinate and encourage the development of provincial chapters of pro-life lawyers, as well as to : assemble lawyers together to discuss pro-life issues; lend credibility to [...]

2009-06-23T11:33:32-04:00June 23, 1983|Pro-life Groups|

Editorial- Brian Mulroney and the abortion issue

The bands have gone, the delegates have gone, the Ottawa Civic Centre is left awash with picket signs, banners, badges and other rubble, indicating the passing of the momentous Tory Leadership Convention on June 12th. That convention elected a new leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. The new leader is bilingual, well educated and handsome - but where does he [...]

2009-06-23T11:26:10-04:00June 23, 1983|Abortion, Editorials, Politics|

Manitobans choose life

The Manitoba League for Life organized their signature campaign in six weeks. A preliminary advertisement describing the drive resulted in signed coupons and donations arriving in the League's office at over 1,000 a day. More support came from churches, schools, pro-life groups and organizations. On March 30, the Winnipeg Free Press published 37,000 names in alphabetical order. The date was planned specifically [...]

2009-06-23T11:23:31-04:00June 23, 1983|Across Canada, Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups|

Prayers for life

There is an increasing conviction among pro-lifers that our activities must be supported by prayer. Because of this, a Prayers for Life Crusade has sprung up in Toronto and in many other parts of Canada. In Toronto, several Masses are offered for pro-life intentions in various churches throughout the year. Members of Prayers for Life attend each Mass, distributing a prayer which [...]

2009-06-23T11:20:02-04:00June 23, 1983|Pro-Life|

Campagnolo challenged by Thunder Bay pro-lifers

On May 10 over 80 pro-lifers picketed Iona Campagnolo in Thunder Bay. Ms Campagnolo was greeted by women and children carrying placards such as: Iona discriminates against tiny pre-born women;" "Iona does not have my vote;" and "Liberal support; Iona aborts!" Campagnolo, current president of the Liberal Party of Canada, is being talked of as the nest Liberal leader (see The Interim, [...]

2009-06-23T08:43:22-04:00June 23, 1983|Politics, Pro-life Groups|

Pro-life victory in the unions

A motion endorsing the support of abortion clinics was tabled at the May 26-28 annual convention of Ontario C.U.P.E, in Niagara Falls. The motion was tabled (shelved) on the grounds that it was controversial and divisive at a time when a united stand in the union is needed. The first vote saw the motion tabled. However, further argument tried to "lift it [...]

2009-06-23T08:39:39-04:00June 23, 1983|Pro-Life|

The Province and the Clinics

Mr. Williams: Mr. Speaker, I have a question of the Attorney General. Legal abortions in this province can be performed only with the approval of therapeutic abortion committees at accredited hospitals. Dr. Morgentaler, the well-known abortionist, held a news conference this day indicating that next Wednesday he would be opening in this city a free-standing abortion clinic to operate in defiance of [...]

2009-06-23T08:36:58-04:00June 23, 1983|Abortion, Politics|

Winnipeg clinic closed … but not permanently

A joyous group of Pro-Life protesters gathered on the lawn in front of the Winnipeg Abortuary which was closed temporarily at the beginning of this month. Since then, the clinic has reopened because charges against the doctors and nurses had not been laid. The latest development, however, is that the Manitoba Provincial Government has laid down a charge of performing an illegal [...]

2009-06-23T08:27:57-04:00June 23, 1983|Abortion|

A successful week in Edmonton

The Edmonton Respect for Life Week, May 8-15, was a great success. With an event organized for each day, Mrs. Kathleen Toth reports that Campaign Life Alberta now has a much wider public recognition and she is frequently being consulted by members of the media wanting pro-life information. Among events were the Mother's Day Rally which gathered together over 200 pro-lifers. A [...]

2009-06-23T08:26:28-04:00June 23, 1983|Activism|

Congratulations to Larry Henderson

Larry Henderson, editor and general manager of the Catholic Register, has won the 1983 Kurelek Award, presented by Alliance for Life. The Award is named in memory of William Kurelek, famous Canadian painter and pro-life supporter. It is presented annually to a Canadian who has given outstanding service to the respect for life cause but is not an active member of a [...]

2009-06-23T08:25:43-04:00June 23, 1983|Pro-Life|

Thunder Bay Right To Life publishes proclamation

The Right to Life Association of Thunder Bay and area published 3,000 names in the Chronicle-Journal on May 11. Containing names from Thunder Bay, Beardmore, Emo, Fort Frances, Jellico, Nipigon, Marathon, Rainy River, Schreiber and Terrace Bay, the Prologue in the ad reads: "The persons listed herein have voluntarily offered their names for publication and their donations have paid the cost of [...]

2009-06-23T08:18:01-04:00June 23, 1983|Activism, Pro-life Groups|

Edmonton doctor killed baby to ease its pain

The Toronto Star, May 26, reported that an Edmonton doctor, name not given, had "practiced euthanasia with compassion". He had ordered a lethal dose of morphine to put a baby out of its agony - 16 hours after its birth. According to the report, the doctor's license has been suspended and he has left the country. Crown prosecutors are investigating to determine [...]

2009-06-23T08:15:10-04:00June 23, 1983|Bioethics, Euthanasia|

Alberta signature campaign a success

The Alberta Signature Campaign, planned to coincide with Edmonton's Respect for Life Week, was a huge success. Paid advertisements were inserted in six Alberta dailies. The ads consisted of 37,824 lines of names of those supporting the right lo life of every individual from conception to natural death. This figure is even more impressive than it appears. People signed as individuals or [...]

2009-06-23T08:16:59-04:00June 23, 1983|Activism|
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